60 ~ Before the winter dies

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Life updates: Exams are over and have been passed (I'm officially moving into my 3rd year of med school, I'm so excited!), I got to enjoy the beginning of my summer, I'm currently in the middle of an internship at a hospital, and I'm finally back with chapter 60!

I've got to admit though that, as excited as I was to write this chapter, I was also super scared to cause I'm pretty afraid of your reactions to it... (Listening to as the world caves in while writing this chapter has got me wrecked)

THIS CHAPTER IS POSTED JUST IN TIME TO CELEBRATE US REACHING 100K READS ON THIS STORY IT'S SO AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO DEARLY (if there is anything that you would want me to do to thank you for your support, I would love to hear your ideas)

<<<Day 242>>>

Time was a concept Pan had fled from many lifetimes ago. It was slow yet inexorable force that relentlessly ate away at each and every one's life, indiscriminately and without remorse. Pan had wanted nothing to do with the decrepitude old age brought on and, in creating Neverland, had exonerated himself from the pitiful fate. The lost boy become king had believed himself forever freed from the chains of time and yet, there he was, counting each passing second with mounting dread. Time was trickling through his fingers like grains of sand.

He had not slept that night, having spent it in the armchair across his bed, watching the moon's pale rays washing over the covers and over her face, watching her. Adelina was sleeping soundly; her battered and exhausted body dragging her into a profound unconsciousness she wouldn't soon be emerging from. His insides ached at the sight of her.

She was beautiful. She was breathtaking. She was awe-inspiring. She was strong and resilient and powerful. She was all those things and so many more. Pan was acutely, miserably aware of all of the glorious and refined components that comprised her person. He had never known anybody as he knew that girl, his soul had never resonated as it did when they collided, he had never felt as understood as when she laid her eyes on him.

The anguish burned in his throat and prickled behind his eyes.

Adelina was safe, and yet he was still unable to shake the feeling that had risen in him the moment he had realized that the lost girl had left for the pirates. Had left him. The unspeakable and unsurmountable panic that had eviscerated and convinced him that his guts were being wrenched from him would not release the talons gripping his heart, even now that she was safely back at his side. Pan detested how much her wellbeing affected him; he abhorred how weak it made him feel. He could not allow for this to go on any longer.

It had taken him all night; it had drowned him with sorrow, it had required all of his strength and willpower, but he had taken his decision. One that had been tormenting him from the back of his mind for the past month or so, for he had dreaded and been terrified that it would be one he would have to make. Pan had a dark light shining in his eyes, he truly wished it did not have to have come to this. Yet, his resolution was now final. He would not be changing his mind; it had to be done.

For Neverland.

Pan had not moved from his seat, soaking up her presence and sight, relishing the sound of her steady breaths rising and falling in hypnotizing rhythmicity, as noon came and gone. Time was ticking by, eating him away instant by instant, yet he did not budge. The day was drawing to its dreaded end as the sun ever so slowly hovered lower and lower on the horizon.

At long last, Adelina stirred. Pan dared not move, knowing that if he did so much as shift a single muscle, he would have rushed to her side before he could even be aware of his actions. He clenched down on his jaw, his fingers tightening around the worn leather of the armchair; how he yearned for her.

Potential for Darkness (Peter Pan)//(Robbie Kay)Where stories live. Discover now