7 ~ Clothing issues

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<<<Day 5>>>

Peter Pan, Adelina decided, was a tyrant.

It was because of people like him that the world was slowly dying, year by year, century by century, all because of monsters like him. People so self important, that they never bothered or cared to check on other people's wellbeing. People who thought that they were so much better than others, that they allowed themselves to crush thousands of children under their expensive leather shoes. People so desperate for power, that they were willing to murder and destroy, causing pain and agony for everyone around them for the rest of their existence as long as they obtained what they desired.

Pan was one of those people, but he was also more. Worse. For his humanity wasn't what made Adelina believe that he was unredeemable. It was the part of him that wasn't human.

Pan was the churning, turbulent dark waters at the pit of the ocean, Adelina mused as her fingers absentmindedly played with the frayed edges of her top. He was the graveyard of all the sunken ships he'd destroyed. He was the miles and miles of terror and fear no one dared venture of the pitch black bottom.

Pan was like the waves. He raged, furious to be left alone at the very bottom, and out of his own sheer force of will, he created a swirling vortex of current to carry himself to the surface, aiming only to pummel pitilessly at the jagged rocks of the cliffs, beating them constantly and with no reprieve, undermining their very structure, for, as the merciless ocean, Pan sought to destroy those who were above him, those who hadn't sunken down so deep as he had in the treacherous insanity of his own mind.

Adelina got out of the shower all cleaned and fresh, her muscles worn out and shaky from the extenuating training she'd had that afternoon. Shivering as the cooler air of her room hit her damp skin, her eyes fell on her clothes, covered with so much dirt that they appeared brown. Oh right, she remembered bitterly, and Cedric's blood. This time, the shiver that ran down her spine wasn't from the temperature.

Squirming horribly as she got into her clothes, the sensation of being extremely dirty the moment she got out of the shower was irritatingly unpleasant, and she itched to take them right off. Stepping out of her room with a sigh, she set out to find Pan. Adelina resented having to ask him for any kind of favor but what choice did she have? She wasn't going to endure god knew how many more days in this hell wearing filthy ragged and bloodstained clothing.

Regretfully, her eyes had searched the camp, but the green clad figure wasn't there. On the other hand, Felix was, so she went up to him. He hadn't spoken to her since he'd shown her the hallowed ground, and she didn't know what to think of him. He was so unreadable that she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between if he were aiming to be her friend or to kill her.

As she came closer, she realized that he was arguing with another lost boy. And not any other lost boy, Adelina realized with a sinking heart.

"-with all that's going on!" Ryan gestured animatedly. "I don't get why Pan wants her here, especially now!"

Adelina, who'd been about to interrupt, stopped dead in her tracks, slunk away quietly, only remaining close enough to hear what they were saying, but without seeming too obvious.

"Pan wasn't the one who brought her here," Felix answered in a carefully monotone voice.

"Well he didn't send her away either!" Ryan countered angrily.

Potential for Darkness (Peter Pan)//(Robbie Kay)Where stories live. Discover now