A/N ~ Esther's Version Of The End

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... And gently, so gently, he begins to kiss the tears off my cheek, as he begins to cry himself. Quillon, this big man, begins to cry for me. That's when I knew, come what may, everything was going to be okay. It was finally going to be...

Esther Dibie {AUTHOR}

But was everything really going to be okay? This is a world with challenges. Nothing ever stayed the same. Nothing was ever truly okay. And eventually, although Niccole didn't know it yet, everything was going to come crashing down once more, so strongly, that she would once more doubt her very love for Quillon. Her very devotion to him.

How do you know Esther? Isn't this end of the book?? What are you even talking about Esther??? You're probably wondering right? Where that's just it!!! This isn't the end of the book! And this is far from being the end of their story. Book 2 of Quillon and Niccole's story will be coming up first week of July. And the name of book 2  is going to be "WITH EVERY FIBRE OF YOUR BEING!"

 And the name of book 2  is going to be "WITH EVERY FIBRE OF YOUR BEING!"

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I'm definitely excited! But I felt like I needed a little break from the book, which is why I'm not starting it immediately.

Sneak peaks on whats going to happen in Book 2? Well, we see more ex wife action, someone may or may not get kidnapped, someone may or may not get killed... Or arrested depends on where the creative flow takes me...Someone may or may not resort to drugs. Niccole's career might be brought to an untimely end, or Quillon might just run his company to bankruptcy. And it's definitely going to affect their relationship if any of that happens. So just so you know, there's going to be lots of suspense and intrigues packed in book 2! So watch out for that in the month of OCTOBER! This is definitely not the end of their story. Stay safe. Definitely don't forget to vote, comment on chapters you loved, and follow me so you're instantly alerted when I start to post chapters for the book 2 of this story.

I enjoyed writing this, that you're even here right now, reading this, I grately applaud you, and appreciate you. You're the reasons why I write. ❤️💕
Thank you for reading this, and taking this journey with me, to unveil Quillon Ivante and Niccole Zemira's story. We're going to unveil even further in book 2! See you there...


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