26 ~ Regrets & Words Left Unsaid

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“You tell me that you can't see anything you don't like about me

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“You tell me that you can't see anything you don't like about me. But my fear is that you eventually will. For I'm not perfect. I have my demons. I'm not the girl you think I am. I'm not the person you think you fell in love with. And it scares me everyday that you're going to leave, when you finally find out the truth” — Esther Dibie {Ëstyshãwl}♥



There are so many things in life that we take foe granted. Time is one. The day slowly goes back, seconds, turn into hours, and then years. Before we know it, ten years go by unaccounted for.

But today, as I run as fast as I can bursting through hospital doors, shoving all I see out of my way, the only thing I can scream and ask the universe for, is time. Guess what? I don't even need ten years. I just need a second. Just one more second. One last second to see my sister. She can't leave this way. It would shatter me. Where was my goodbye? I wasn't going to say goodbye to a dead corpse. Where was the world that was fair? Yes, humans aren't fair. But neither is nature!

I can't...I don't...I won't....cannot live through this! She was the responsible one dammit! Where was the world that was fair? Why do I have to be the last one left standing, to take care of an orphaned child? Why was I the only one left standing at all? My father...my mother...now my sister. Where was the fair world dammit! What did I do wrong? Why was fate so cruel?

Tears fell of my eyes in huge streams. I couldn't even see where I was going. I could hear a really large scream raking through the hallway, that sounded very much like mine.
I was like a huge tornado about to burst, already leaking, and the wise people who sensed that as they looked at me, instantly got out of my way, or I'd plough through them as well

I knew Quillon was walking right behind me, I could sense him. He wisely didn't try to stop me, nor ask any questions, just followed. Which I could have thanked him for, but the only thing my mind could comprehend as of now, was my sister on a death bed.

I burst room to room, none of them is my sister. I burst into another room, it's not her  and another room, it's not her. I know I was probably supposed to inquire from the nurse at the reception, but I ran past her and forgot to do so, and there's no way I'm going back. I couldn't turn my back on my sister a second time.

I run into the next room and it's still not her. And the next, and the next, and the next, by now, security has been alerted because I can hear their voices behind me but even that is drowned out as well, because I really can't think. They must think I'm crazy. Maybe I am.

I finally run into the last room on that hallway, maybe this one will be her, but upon opening the door, I see it's someone else "fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" I scream out, falling to my knees, bowing my head to the floor and weeping.  Where's she? Why can't I find her? Why can't I find her? Is she dead? Did she wait for me to say goodbye

Suddenly, I feel arms lift me up, I look to see that it's Quillon.

"I inquired, it's room 308, upstairs" he said softly, before releasing me, just as soon as he was sure I was stable back on my feet.

Nodding my head in appreciation, I turn my back on him and begin running once more. This time, towards thr stairs. I can't wait for the elevator.

Soon enough, I get to the room.
From the corner of my eye, I see Bonnie in another woman's arms, must be either the social worker or a nurse. But even that doesn't make me stop, until I get to my sister's bed

For the rest of my life, I will never forget this scene that plays before me. Doctors, nurses, so many of them, all trying to revive Narlia. Pressing some electric shocker to her chest to revive her. The sound of a flat line on a machine. I've never heard one before. But I hear it for the first time today, signaling the death of the most important person in the world to me. It's a sound I would never forget

"Narlia!" I scream out, clutching at my head

And then I hear the dreaded words, as the hands of every single doctor leaves the body of Narlia in defeat

"Time of death, 2:05pm"


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop a new chapter of HIS BOSS' WIFE (HBW)

Pardon any typo errors, this is the first draft, I won't have the time to edit yet, until I'm done with the novel. But if you see anyone you can kindly point them out to me, in the comment section. It would be immensely appreciated.

I've decided to be updating HBW every weekend. So a chapter every week, or 2 chapters if I'm feeling up to it, or wasn't so busy that week...

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Hey! hey! Before you go, where you just going to leave like that?
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Pls do so before you leave!

BYE BYE!!!!😍😚😘

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