12 ~ How games are played

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“To love is nothing

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“To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.” – T. Tolis


Quillon's POV

[Fine. I'll come to your office when I'm free tomorrow]-Nick she texts back

But I can't let her off the hook that easily

[What time?]-Quill

[when do you close?]-Nick

[4pm officially. But most times Jade and I stay over till 6pm, going over some business affairs]-Quill

[Great. I'll be there by 4pm. But this is a one time thing Quillon. I really have a lot of things on my plate. My sister's seriously sick and is currently receiving home treatment. And I need to train for my next match happening in about a week's time.]-Nick

[Wow, hope she'll be alright? Also, are you serious? About this being just a one time thing? Then fine, if it's a one time thing, allow me throw in another clause then. Tomorrow's Friday. Let's play a game when you come tomorrow. I think a game of chess should do it. If I win, you spend the weekend with me in my home. And if you win, well I'll never disturb you again and you'll never have to hear from me again, unless you want to]-Quill

[Yeah, my sister would be alright, hopefully. Fine, I accept. But if we're doing this, then allow me to throw in another game. Wrestling. You'll wrestle me. If you can win a chess game, and get me to surrender in a wrestling fight between us, then yes, I'll be honoured to spend the weekend at your home.]-Nick

[what? I could never lay a hand on a woman, or most especially, lay a hand on you Nicole]-Quill i type back shocked

[So I guess that's the end of my coming to your house over the weekend then. By the way, you seem so sure of yourself Mr Ivante. That you're the one who's going to be doing the beating and not me. Tut Tut. I am the United States heavy weight champion after all. You shouldn't really be so confident in yourself. Plus I need to train. And I need someone to train with. If you're so determined to see me, and in the process, take out of my training time, then you might as well just train with me. And just so you know, there are very many ways to get a girl to surrender, without laying a single finger on her.]-Quill

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