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Two kinds.

First is the known kind.

They were once Witches or Warlocks who made an alliance with the Unseelie King for more power and longevity. They became Vampires who drained the life from the earth and blood from small children (under seven years old). They retained all their witchy powers and then some.

The earth dies wherever they go as they suck the very life from it.

Their mission is to completely destroy all life.

Their magic lies in a bone pendant around their necks. The pendant is made from the bone of any powerful witch or warlock they have killed.

The second kind are victims of the first kind who played vampire and tried to make more Obayifos from normal, non-magical humans. Rarely does it take. They have to bite so deeply with their fangs that they pierce all the major vessels and arteries in the throat/neck in one bite to transfer a bit of their own powers. The bite also kills and then brings the victim back to life.

The second kind of Obayifo cannot make more of their own kind – only the first kind of Obayifo can make more in this way. This second kind is more Vampire than Witch. They can drink any blood to sustain life. They can also eat food. They do not burn in the sun. A stake to the heart cannot kill them; starvation can.

Mortal enemies:

Type one: Nature Faeries and Druids.

Type two: None Known (they usually die via suicide – starving themselves).

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