Faery-Hybrid Bats

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Furry. Black. Some skinny, some fat. Big eyes – blue, green, red, orange, yellow, or purple.

Were Red Caps or other type of Goblin-Faery in past life – becoming a bat is a reward for a life well-lived. They know all the magic of their previous kind and are immune to it. They try to help others against their previous kind.

They are a little comical – try to do magic they once had; think they're stronger than they are; bit off-balance while flying.

Do have new magic: can hypnotise enemies; have excellent hearing.

In "Haunted Bats" in "Stories on Scrolls" here on Wattpad, they play a large role.

*Thank you for reading. I hope you've found this informative. Don't hesitate to comment and vote. For more, go to my blog Ronel the Mythmaker to learn all you can about these fascinating creatures.*

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