Thin Places and the Other Side

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Thin Places

At crossroads, graveyards and other places of change and choice, the Veil between Realms are extremely thin. (Realms in this context: Land of the Dead and Land of the Living.)

The Living can easily cross over. As long as their bodies stay intact, they can return to their lives.

The dead want to cross over to the Land of the Living and will be hunted down by Grims/Barguest to return to the Other Side.

Thin Places are to be avoided on Samhain.

Other Side

Reference to the to the Realm on the other side of the Veil between the Land of the Living and the Land of the Dead.


Realm of deathfae and the dead. Encompasses Tir fo Thoinn (the Land beneath the Waves, home of Merrows, Sirens, etc.) the Underworld and other grey areas in-between (Valhalla, Hades, Castle of the Keeper of the Veil, etc.).


Where souls of mortals and fae go to be judged.

Rulers: Dagda and Hel (respectively).

There are many layers to the Underworld and many denizens of Faerie who happily live in this in-between place in Otherworld.

These places are important in all of my stories.

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