Mami Wata

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She's the Queen of the Water Fae. She can appear as a mermaid or a human – she can breathe air or water in either form.

She's a renowned figure of African Folklore, and stories of her went with African slaves to their new homes in the Atlantic islands and southern North America. Mortals cry out to her for justice and guidance – which she supplies at a price: devotion. The power of mortal belief fuels her glamour (magical powers).

Mami Wata is a beautiful Black woman who is usually associated with snakes, mirrors and jewellery. If one wanted to contact her, thinking about her while staring at any of these objects will usually call her to you.

The Jengu do whatever she wishes. They are extremely loyal to her. All water fae show fealty to her, but she is only their ruler through might.

As with all mermaids, she is shrouded in mysticism, attractiveness and, of course, vengeance. Her magical powers rival (and can surpass) that of any High Fae.

She is the biggest opposition to the Obayifo (as they destroy all life and the basis of her powers lie within human life).

She has an underwater palace, though none who have gone there have any recollection of its location or what it looks like, just a feeling of opulence.

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