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Related to the original Pegasus, the pegasi are magical winged horses. Pegasus = singular. Pegasi = plural.

Much like unicorns, horses and others related to them, the pegasi live in herds. They are matriarchal. Though some come in rainbow colours, most resemble the colouring of regular horses.

Their wings can be used for different magical things. Different parts, different uses. Crushed feather tips = cure for all poisons. Wings can be attached to someone = they can fly.

They become very attached to certain humans. This attachment helps them to harness their powers. Like transformation. Some pegasi can change colour (e.g. from black to white), grow a horn like a unicorn's and have fiery red eyes – all which magnifies their power over lightning, storms and nature itself.

They are fierce warriors when called for, but they prefer a simple life of grazing.

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