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There are different ways to gain immortality. It, of course, means different things to different beings.

The first is being cursed with immortality. This usually happens among human magic-users. It can take on many forms, from being stuck at the same age forever and never changing to living until a certain age and being hunted down by the enemy and then born again just for the painful cycle to continue forever.

The second is stealing immortality – or being granted the gift of immortality. Both requires the Elixir of Life to be consumed. The elixir is kept safe in Avalon, though there are always those stealthy enough to steal from the Fae. Some mortals are granted the gift for services rendered (like saving an entire race of Fae).

The third is striking a deal with the Unseelie Court, mostly with the king himself. But this usually results in the seeker becoming more monstrous the longer he/she lives. Which, of course, suits the needs of the Dark Court. An example is the Obayifo.

The last way to be immortal is being born with it. All Fae are born immortal. Though, certain things can change their state. Being immortal doesn't mean being indestructible. Fae kill Fae all the time over silly disputes – the King of the Dead, Ankou, wouldn't have a realm otherwise. And curses can influence even what immortality means: The Fae living in the Labyrinth suffer for perpetuity over something none of them were involved in, though they all die very young (even to mortal standards).

The Fae, and made immortals, can live for thousands of years if not killed off. They are patient with their plans: it doesn't matter if a plan has to take twenty – or two hundred – years to come to pass, they have the time to wait. Living forever also means that most of them are never in a hurry to do anything: time is their friend.

*Thank you for reading. I hope you've found this informative. Don't hesitate to comment and vote. For more, go to my blog Ronel the Mythmaker to learn all you can about these fascinating creatures.*

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