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Usually the size of a human thumb, they can change size and appearance at will just like all fae. It takes a lot of magic, though.

They love ribbons. Their clothes are usually made of ribbons – in any colour. Some clans may have a preference in style or colour.

They always live in thorn trees, including fruit trees that have thorns (apple and lemon trees, for instance).

Pixies love mushrooms. They will plant them anywhere. When they have revels, mushrooms will grow in a circle around the place of the revel – sometimes growing huge overnight. It is unlucky to remove or harm these mushrooms: pixies will cause mischief in various forms. In some occasions, they will live in mushrooms: special faery trees that happen to be thorn trees will be guarded by pixies who live in mushrooms at the base of the tree.

Pixies also have a love of growing tulips, cannas and other bulb flowers. They will encourage the growth of these plants wherever they live.

They love to have fun. They are mischievous creatures who enjoy riddles. They also like playing games. Pixies usually don't harm others, but when it is a choice between their own survival and that of another creature, they will always choose themselves.

Pixies are great at creating glamour. As a group, they can create illusions so strong that even other fae cannot see through it. Some might even do it as a favour...

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