16.Youthfully Calculative

Start from the beginning

This was the guy that slept with Valora. Was there more to this? He wanted to find out and there was only one way he could see that happening.

"Alright. You get five minutes including me present there."

"Fifteen minutes only me and the convict."

"Four minutes including me."

"Ten minutes without you."

"Three minutes including me."

The look of aghast painted Adrian's face. "Fine! Five minutes with all of us."

Phoenix couldn't help but smirk at his win. "Let's get to it."

As he instructed Andrea to call Valora, Adrain spoke of why he had come to see her. He told Phoenix he was intended to catch the rest of her group members but they weren't easy to find.

Now that Valora was caught, the rest of them were taking extra caution. He thought the best way to get to them was from the former murdere ergo Valora.

He knew few but his main interest was catching the head, Iris but he was always hitting a stone wall with that one.

When Andrea announced through the door that they had arrived, Phoenix let them in.

When Valora walked in, his mind began to spin uncontrollably. It was just a few hours ago but she still had a shade red heating her skin. Was she thinking about they did?

She didn't look at Phoenix. Instead her eyes stayed on Adrian. Somehow Phoenix wasn't liking that. Was she still interested in him?

When Andrea left, a cold awkwardness fell upon the three of them.

Adrain looking directly at her, leering. His eyes moved up and down her figure. Again, Phoenix held back the unbridled rage bubbling inside him. You aren't jealous. You are just...tired. So lame. Pathetic he was to think he would buy that.

"Clock starts now, Adrian. You better get to it." Folding his arm across his chest, he gave a pointed look at him.

"Right on. So how are-"

"Cut the pleasantries. Just jump to it, Adrian." He barked making Adrain jump in his seat.

When Phoenix looked back Valora, she looked surprised. The purpose is to find more of Valora, he reminded himself. Schooling his emotions yet again, he gestured Adrian to continue.

"Where's your clan located at the moment?"

"How should I know? Maybe you should try sleeping with them. That's worked out for you before."

If Phoenix thought she disliked Adrian before, now it proved to be more true. She was so defensive and highly irritated by the man. Assuming the cold hard truth that hit him, she was affected by Adrian.

That means she still liked him. Or worse, loved him. Either way, it was bad.

"It sure has. Look at you." Adrain smirked at her.

A disturbing mark of caution and humiliation passed her eyes. Phoenix didn't like that one bit.

If anyone should have her affected like this, it was going to be him. Good or bad, don't care. He just wanted to affect her in some way or the other.

"Adrain, time's ticking. You wanna move it along?"

"Of course. Now don't be hiding any information, if you know something. Tell me now."

"I don't think you understand the concept of English language. I just told you I don't know!"

Adrain got up, straight into her face. His hand choking her neck. "You tell me now, you-"

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