15.Compromisingly Difficult

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Yet, all he saw was his stamp.

This woman was his to do whatever he wanted. That concept was so gratifying that it hit his bones but not now. Not now and not for a while. At least.


The subsequent silence dripped with stubbornness. He walked back to his window, turning away from her.

He didn't need to explain himself to her.
Additionally, he couldn't hold this conversation with her breasts exposed and her hair undone like that.

A rustle of clothes was heard and again another knock reverberated.

Hoping she was dressed, Phoenix turned. Sure enough, she was covered but the scowl etched her face. Not only that, but a bit of ...hurt.

Phoenix can't seem to stop hurting her. This thing whatever it was, is doomed from the beginning. Most of all, it's not supposed to happen.

He can't let it. So like always, he reacted to it with what was left- unfulfilled satisfactions that lead to rusty frustrations.

"Enter." His tone drowned into guttural.

It was hard as steel and his complexion reflected it.

Valora couldn't stop the shaking of her thigh. Each time her thighs rubbed, she felt the sloshing wetness slapping between them.

She didn't know what to do, how to feel of his sudden change.

Borderline it was making her more remorse than ever. As usual, her walls instinctively built around her, enclosing herself from feeling the sour humiliation.

The door opened with Andrea, the same guard who escorted her here. "Good evening warden, I came here to announce the arrival of Adrian Lockheart."

Stepping aside, Adrian made his way into his office. He was about to greet Phoenix when his eyes caught Valora's.

At first they seemed surprised, then it glinted in delightful scorn taking in her form.

Her shoulders became rigid, her chin tipped up as Valora met his gaze.

"Isn't this a pleasant surprise, sweet Valora." His grin set her teeth on edge.

She hated that he still had power over her. She wasn't free from him.

This man was responsible for her present fate.

"Can't say the same to you, bastard." She snapped her teeth at him. Resolve slowly folding back and anger taking in its place.

He lost his smile and stepped forward but before he could reach her, Phoenix called out to him. "Mr.Lockheart if you could take your seat." Gesturing to the chair.

He added. "Andrea take the convict out of my office."

Anger doubled and fury radiated from her as she swung her gaze to Phoenix. He called me convict. Is that only what I'm to him?

Without a single word, Andrea took hold of her elbow. Dragging her out of the office, she closed the door behind them.

Valora resisted her hold and try to shook it off.
"Let me go."

"Now now. Don't cause any scene." Her voice had an unusual edge. Almost as if she was mocking Valora.

She didn't protest after that. Simply, allowed Andrea to drag her to presumably her cell. As she strode with Andrea, her thoughts began to murmur.

What was Adrian doing here? Most likely was he called by Phoenix?

So, he was doing some digging on her. He must have noticed the edge in her voice when he had told her of Adrian.

Stupid me! She felt her stomach cramp.

With Adrain here, he would expose all her secrets and she knew for sure he would tell Phoenix what he did to her. Except turn it around to more likely his favor.

When she saw Andrea was taking her to the kitchen and not her room, she thought it wasn't her time to work yet.

Everyone was pretty much asleep.

The door was opened and she saw Naomi and Cathy. They were cleaning but they stopped the moment they noticed them.

There was brief pause. Then, Naomi cracked her scary smile. "I see you have met Valora."

Andrea's hand left her elbow and moved to the duo. "Yes I have. You were right, the warden is highly interested in her likeness."

Soon it clicked. Valora pointed her finger towards Andrea. "She is your new set of eyes, isn't it?"

"Finally the tube light is lit." Cathy exasperated.

Tongue in cheek, she asked Naomi. "How can you trust her?"

"She's my...family." Family?

Seeing the confusion marking her face, Naomi explained. "Andrea is my cousin. She used to deal pot for me when she was younger. But we were already on many of the wanted list posters by then so I had to come up with someone way to get me out of prison in case I get caught. Here I am and here she is."

"That story has many holes. I need more."

"Well, I'm not here to be your story teller. Now that we got o-"

"How did you get her here? You said I made it happen?"

"You got Maxine fired and she comes from the same unit where guards are hired. Andrea was working in that unit. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes but I -"

"Again not a story teller. Just let's work on the plan now."

Valora wanted to argue with Naomi and found out exactly how she managed it but she didn't. It didn't matter now because the goal was clearer.

It made her vision the day they escape.

As they discussed, she looked around the inmates. This wasn't friendship. This was team members of a survival camp.

They were uniting together to break away from barricades blocking their freedoms.

What is well earned? Do they deserved it? Probably not but no one can beat a person who tries their best.

Okay, so she got that quote from that woman who owned Tiffany Co. Still, it was effective.

Three weeks from now, they had two choices. Two options dividing into two roads leading to two destinations. One was staying locked up and wasted away in this prison without trying.

The other one was their out. To the other side.

Even if they did get caught, they would have at least tried- oh what was she saying?

This wasn't up for any stupid game. There was no participation certificate.

Valora realized she didn't have two options anymore.

This was it.

She couldn't consent any more thoughts of the 'ifs' and 'buts'. This was all she had.

She had everything on the line and she couldn't afford any more loss. Not anymore. Not for anyone.

And besides, she'd rather die than rot in this stinking place called hell.

Venomously Yours, Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora