How Can We Fix This?

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Alivia's POV: 

What the heck were Zack and Hunter thinking? Literally fighting because they both talked to the same girl. I can not believe it. Do they know that this is going to hurt Lindsay? 

After I cleaned up Hunter and gave him ice for his lip I walk over to my tent. I walk in and I see Lindsay crying.

Alivia: Hey I know you saw them fighting and I think it was immature of them but it is because they love you. 

Lindsay: I caused them to be in a fight. I am the reason they are both bleeding right now. I am not ok right now. This sucks. I thought being with the boys would be fun but right now this is really hard. I am going for a walk and I will be here later tonight for the northern lights.

Alivia: Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it?

Lindsay: Not right now but maybe when I come back later.

Alivia: Ok

Lindsay walks out of the tent and starts to walk away. I walk out of the tent a little bit after Lindsay and walk over to the boy's campsite. I walk over to Tiki and hug him.

Tiki: Hey do you want to go on a walk?

I nod.

Austin: Can I join?

Tiki and I both nod. We start walking and we are all quiet. I was really deep in my thoughts. How this can be solved and how we can make this stop. Most importantly how to make Lindsay feel better. Then I was brought out of my thoughts when Tiki grabbed my hand and started holding it while we were walking. 

Austin: Do you guys know how we can stop this? It's just so complicated. 

Alivia: Yeah I don't know. Maybe we can talk to Hunter and see how he thinks we can fix it. 

Tiki agrees and then squeezes my hand tighter. We don't talk about what happened for the rest of the walk. We walk over to the beach and skip a couple rocks and just talk. Austin seemed so cool and we got a lot closer that night. He is so nice.

Lindsay's POV:

I was walking by myself and crying a lot. Zack and Hunter just had a fist fight and it was all because of me. I started to cry even harder when I saw an image of the fight. I was walking on a road that led to a little fishing area at the lake. The fishing area and the swimming area was different so the swimmers wouldn't get caught by the hooks. I walked out to the pier and as I was entering to go on the pier Zack was coming off of the pier. Zack and I made eye contact for a second and then I started to walk away with even more tears starting up in my eyes. 

Zack: Lindsay please stop. I want to talk about this

Lindsay: Well I don't

Zack: Please I am so sorry.

I stop in my tracks and turn around.

Lindsay: Sorry for what? Beating up my best friend because of an honest mistake? He was trying to not make you angry and he did nothing with me so why couldn't you trust him? Why couldn't you trust me?

Zack: Lindsay I am so sorry. I have had a crush on you for a while and I just didn't like the fact that he liked you too. I overreacted and I know there was a better way to handle it. I got in my emotions. 

I look at him for a while. Silent on the outside but screaming on the inside. I wish Zack could've been more mature. 

Lindsay: It was really immature of you to fight Hunter. I think that we need to go back that you two need to talk this out. I will be there to make sure you two don't get into a fight again. I am in love with you and I told Hunter that and he is respecting that. He told me he liked me but he wanted to stay your friend so he is backing away. You need to go over there and apologize.

Zack looked down, took a deep breath, and looked back up at me.

Zack: Ok I will go and talk it out and apologize. I am sorry Lindsay. Again, I got caught up in my head and I wanted to make sure you were mine. Please forgive me.

Lindsay: Ok I forgive you.

We smile for a second and then we run up to each other and hug. Then he puts his arm around me as we walk back to the campsite.

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