Bruce began replying.
"Look, guys, I'm just not sure you've thought this through—"

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


Alex craned her neck over the staircase's railing as she eavesdropped on the conversation taking place  in the living room.

Loki had planted the idea in her head that perhaps, instead of staying in bed, she might want to 'sit on the stairs for a bit' whilst they had their little chat.
The god had winked at the little girl mischievously, knowing full well that she wouldn't be able to resist spying.

So she stayed there, straining her ears just enough so she was able to listen in; they were talking about her.

She heard the word bored crop up multiple times. Alex shrugged, it was true, she was as bored as ever at the moment, what with everyone else being busy — her eyes suddenly lit up, maybe they were planning something fun, like a party or something!
But she quickly frowned at the idea: actually, Tony's parties usually just consisted of a bunch of adults in a group drinking too much 'adult squash' together and trying to dance to loud music.
She wrinkled her nose — yeah, that was less appealing now.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to her mission at hand, craning her neck further forward, her feet pressed back on different steps unevenly as she listened in.

She heard a lot of random things she didn't care about, mostly Steve and Tony doing their usual bickering, but she vaguely heard something that's made her ears prick up.

"...we're gonna homeschool her." She heard Tony's voice resonated through the room.

Hear heart skipped a beat.
Homeschool? So it was going to be like going to go to an actual school (having looked them up online), but she was still going to be able to spend time with everyone? If not the same amount of time then even more!

In her excitement, she clapped her hands together grinning widely — unfortunately, her frantic enthusiasm meant she'd forgotten about her unbalanced footing...

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


"Look, guys, I'm just not sure you've thought this through—" Bruce had been say doubtfully, but he was interrupted when they heard two loud thuds come from... was it upstairs or downstairs?

Steve scowled, on his feet in a second.
"What was that?" He asked seriously.

Loki, acting as though the sound had never occurred,  merely replied,
"Whatever do you mean?" He raised his eyebrows innocently, despite desperately hoping that they wouldn't bother to look for the source of the sound.

Steve slowly began walking out the lounge.
"You heard it! Those thumps."

"Ah! I'm sure it was nothing." Loki tried to reassure him, despite already realising that his attempts were futile. "Just sit back down, we have more important things to discuss..."
He trailed off, knowing the the soldier was already ignoring him.

Steve scowled as he marched to the stairs, glancing up at them just quickly enough to catch a glimpse of a little foot disappearing from view — he suddenly smiled with amusement.

"Alex come down, we already know you're up." He called up, watching as the little girl poked her head round the upper banister with a sheepish look on her face.

"Oops." She mumbled as she guiltily made her way down the stairs to Steve.

He knelt down to her level.
"Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" He worried anxiously.

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