The Enemy Gone (Domestic Noir)

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One morning in a house in Italy, Lisa Lisa Joestar opens a gift from her enemy, Kars Pillarman, and Lisa Lisa knows their lives will never be the same again.

Whilst trying to rebuild her life, Lisa Lisa witnesses a crime that leads her to question a new relationship. She becomes obsessed with enigmatic stranger Joseph Joestar. What is his connection to Kars, and why has he turned up now?

Lisa Lisa's behavior becomes increasingly erratic as she struggles to unravel the truth and the significance of a red stone of Aja, all whilst battling to cope with pregnancy.

Every day, Lisa Lisa gets closer to the truth. And the closer she gets, the more terrifying it seems.

Auto Praise for The Enemy Gone

"Lisa Lisa Joestar is the best lead ever. This is a feminist masterpiece."

- The Daily Tale

"Why the obsession with setting books in the home? Put Lisa Lisa Joestar in a war zone or department store for some real excitement."

- Enid Kibbler

"Dark and chilling. Setting the first part in a house in Italy really grounds it in reality - so unsettling."

- Hit the Spoof

"I was so intrigued by Joseph Joestar - what a character."

- Zob Gloop

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