One Lucky S.O.B.

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Derek's p.o.v. (After chasing the kanima) 

Gerard looked at the kanima like he knew what he was doing. He has a plan some kind of alternate motive to coming here. This isn't good, and the one person who knows the most about the kanima and the Argent's plans currently hates my living guts. 


I need to figure out a way to get her to trust me again. She too smart to be tricked into helping me, too stubborn to even let me talk to her, and too good at her job to kidnap her force her to listen.  

This is going to be a challenge. 

McKenna's p.o.v. 

I wake up to my phone ringing. I jump awake and hit my head on the roof of the car. wincing I grab my phone The clock on it says it's four-thirty in the morning. The contact reads:


That sneaky little spazz must've put his number in my phone while I wasn't paying attention. I answer while grabbing my forehead where it hit the roof. 

"What do you want Stiles? It's four in the morning." I say in an annoyed voice. My back aches from sleeping in the back seat, there is a goose egg growing by the second on my forehead, and I'm still completely exhausted. 

Today is going to be a rough one. 

"We need your help. Scott tracked the Kanima to a gay club and now it's inside and we think it's going to kill Danny!" He rambles quickly. 

"What? Stiles, none of what you're saying makes any sense! I can't get into a gay club on the account of me being a female and why would Jackson want to kill Danny they're best friends?" I say the first part with sarcasm and the second with confusion. 

"Look, just get here okay?" He says frustrated. Hey, it's not my fault he wasn't thinking. 

"Okay," I say rolling my eyes. 

I climb into the front seat after quickly changing my T-shirt to a long-sleeved one. It's four A.M. and freezing outside. 

I drive to the only gay club in this town. I passed it the other day when I was running from my brothers. I don't know what they think I can do to help in this situation, I won't even be able to get into this place.

When I pull into the parking lot it's filled with police and paramedics. Oh god, what did those two do this time? 

I look to my left and see Stiles' jeep sitting there. I park next to it and Scott and Stiles are sitting in the front seats with worried looks on their faces. 

I make a motion for Stiles to roll his window down and I do the same to mine. 

"What the hell did you two do?" I ask whisper yell angrily at them. 

"We didn't do it! We saved Danny!" Stiles answers in a couple of seconds.

I turn my head slightly and narrow my eyes at Stiles, giving him the 'Winchester stare' is what I like to call it.

"Alright, fine! Jackson may or may not be passed out in the back seat and we're planning on kidnapping him. But we did save Danny!" Stiles explains finally.

"Are you two insane! How in the living hell do you two even think for a measly little second that that is a good idea? I can't express it into words how stupid...." I start to lecture them but I don't get the chance to finish as Stiles rolls his window back up. 

I just roll my eyes and slump back in my seat. Just then another police car pulls up in a hurry. The sheriff gets out of the car and Stiles does the same next to me. It then dawns on me that he must be Stiles' Dad. 

A Winchester and a HaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant