Please Don't Shoot Me

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McKenna's p.o.v.

I take my sweet time in the shower. When I got in it was only about six so I know I have plenty of time before I have to meet Derek, and I don't feel like talking to either of my brothers right now.

I check the time again when I get out and it reads six-thirty. I decide to call Derek, not caring if Sam or Dean hear me at this point. Hell I might as well tell them everything I've been keeping from them. I don't see how this could get any worse.

It rings three times before he picks up.

"Hello?" He says his voice serious. Probably because its an unknown number.

"Hey, Derek it's me McKenna." I say blushing while trying not to sound awkward.

"Oh, hi what's up?" He says more enthusiastically.

"I was wondering if maybe you could pick me up a half hour early? And instead of meeting at the high school could you pick me up at my motel?" I ask sheepishly. I probably sound really needy.

"Oh, yeah sure not a problem at all!" He answers happily.

"Okay cool. I'm staying at the Beacon City Motel, room 109. And just text me to let me know you're here." I tell him happy he's okay with the changes.

"Alright, sounds good! See you eight then?" He asks.

"Yep, see you at eight." I answer and hang up.

Oh thank the lord! I don't want to be in this motel room any longer than I have to. I soon start getting ready.

I put on a pair of skinny jean capris that go down to my mid calf and cuff at the bottom. I pick a blue long sleeve off the shoulder shirt that makes my eyes look like they are glowing blue. I put on mascara to intensify them even more.

I decide to blow dry and straighten my hair. I pull one piece from the front and bobby pin it to the side of my head.

I decide on a pair of four inch black heel boots that go up to my ankles. But they're not stilettos. They have a thick heel, lord knows I would break an ankle before I could even reach the door.

I look at the final product of myself in the mirror. I've never been one for dresses, too dainty for me. And drafty.

I take a look at my lip. There is an obvious split in it and I have an obvious fat lip, but it's already started to scab over.

Aside from recent injuries I look good. I put perfume and deodorant on and then check the time. Its seven forty-five.

Perfect. I think to myself. I grab my purse and wallet out of my bag and make sure I have some essentials. I tuck the silver pocket knife my Dad gave me into my front pocket. I put my gun containing my silver wolfsbane coated bullets in my purse. You can't take any chances.

I put on some chap stick to give my lips a little shine, but not too much and tuck it in my other front pocket.

Just as I finish doing that I get a text. I look and it's a text from Derek saying that he's here. I take deep breath before leaving the bathroom. Dean is sitting on the couch beer in hand and Sam is sitting at the table in the kitchen.

I walk straight for the door not wanting to give them a chance to stop me.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" Sam asks confused.

"Out." I say simply.

"How are getting anywhere you don't have a car?" Dean asks making me smirk.

"You're right I don't, but he does." I say pointing out the door as I open it and rush out.

I can hear the two of them jump up and rush after me at the word 'he'.

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