The Whochesters?

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Derek's p.o.v.

After McKenna told me about her dream I knew I needed to tell her about what I am. But I know that I can't do it now. I can't help but think about her. Her hair was curled perfectly with strands falling out from under the her hat framing her face perfectly.

Maybe I'll tell her tonight. 

But now, I need to worry about Scott. 

I sprint back to the train station and take a quick shower. By two forty-five I'm in my car and driving to the school. 

I pull up to the school just as the bell rings and kids start filing out of the of front doors. The smell of sweat and hormones hit me like punch to the face as I get out of the car. 

I make my way to the field and stand at a distance. I watch all the kids on the team slam and shove into each other. I can't help but think about my high school days and basketball. It's so much better than lacrosse. 

Forty-five minutes later the practice is over and I see Scott pointing in my direction. I focused my hearing to what they are saying. 

"What is he doing here?" Stiles asks dramatically. 

"I don't know but I guess we're gonna find out." Scott answers as they start walking towards me. 

A minute later they're standing in front of me with expectant looks on their faces. 

"So, what bad werewolf mumbo jumbo is there to deal with this time huh? Vampires? Ghouls? Oh wait maybe it's flying purple people eaters now?" Stiles says with a sarcastic smile on his face until he makes eye contact with me and his smile disappears.

"No you idiot. It's worse." I tell them ignoring his stupidity. 

"Wait are purple people eaters real?" He asks and I once again ignore him. 

"I can't tell you here." I say walking away knowing that they're going to follow me. I lead them to my car and open the passenger side door. 

"Get in." I tell them and Stiles climbs in the back and Scott in the front. I get in and drive to the preserve. 

"Alright, I don't want questions until I'm done talking got it?" I say threateningly looking in the back towards Stiles. 

"Of course." Scott says. 

"The Winchesters are in town..." I start but I'm interrupted.

"The whochesters?" Stiles says shoving his head in between the seats. 

I glare at him put my hand over his face and push him into the back seat. 

"Shut up and listen!" I exclaim still glaring at him.

"The Winchesters are three sibling hunters. They are best of the best that do the worst of the worst. They are the best hunters in the country and they are known for their ruthlessness. The oldest one Dean especially. He is the one that will kill you without thinking twice and fall asleep just fine afterward." I pause to take a breath.

"The middle one Sam is the tallest one and has a bit more of a conscious, but he won't voice his concerns very often. These people don't go by a little code like the Argents. They just kill anything supernatural, not just werewolves." I say making eye contact with Scott. 

"If you see them run the other way as fast as possible." I finish.

"What about the third one you said there's three." Stiles asks.

"McKenna Winchester is the only one that won't kill you on sight. She's smart and thoughtful about her actions but still won't hesitate to kill you if she has to. But if you find yourself in trouble with them and she's there tell her that you know me." I say. 

"Why would that help us?" Scott asks in confusion.

"Because I'm taking her to dinner tonight." I answer.

"What don't you think that's the absolute worst thing you can do for yourself? I'll tell you what's going to happen there halfway through the main course she's gonna shoot in the heart with a wolfsbane bullet." Stiles says with a shocked look on his face. 

"It'll be fine, she doesn't know I'm a werewolf." I say. 

"What are they even doing here?" Scott asks. 

"I think they're working with the Argents to take down the kanima." I say. 

"Oh, that's just great! Not only do we have to deal with Gerard but also three of world's most ruthless hunters. The universe just loves to hate us doesn't it?" Scott says throwing his back hitting on the seat.  

I start to drive back to the high school so they can get Stiles' jeep and go home. 

"Why are you taking her to dinner?" Scott asks, looking at me.

"Because, I'm going to do my best to explain to her that most of the supernatural creatures here in Beacon Hills don't actually want to hurt anyone, and she asked me." I tell him saying the last part quickly and quietly. 

"Wait, wait, wait, you're telling me that she asked you, dark, brooding, angry, Derek Hale, on a date. Willingly?" Stiles says laughing in the back seat. 

"Yes." I snap back angrily, squeezing the steering wheel tightly. 

"Yeah right, what did you do glow your red eyes and threaten to rip her throat if she didn't go to dinner with you?" He asks making he angrier. 

"No, but if you don't shut up I'm going to reach back there and rip your throat out." I say menacingly while looking in the rear view mirror, making eye contact with him, glowing my red eyes. 

He quickly shuts up after that making me smirk.

I drop them off and head back to the train station. I check the time and it's only five so I decide to just hang out before I have to get ready for the date. 

I need to think of way to tell her without it ending with my head on the dinner platter. Maybe I'll take her back to the overlook and where we'll be alone and if things go bad no one will be around. Or maybe I should do it at the restaurant. Then she won't be able to kill me cause we'll be in public. 

I don't know. I'll just wait for a good moment. I hope one comes up easily. 

A Winchester and a Haleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें