The Argents

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McKenna's p.o.v.


I'm running through the woods being chased by something. I don't know what it is but I know can't let it catch up with me.

I look to my left and running beside me is none other than Derek Hale. He's got a concerned look on his face. For some reason I know that I'm not running to save me, but to save him.

We run on until a gunshot is heard and Derek goes down. He was shot in the leg. I stop and try to help him but he's fine. It doesn't make sense.

"Go! I know they won't hurt me but they'll kill you as soon as they get the chance!" I whisper yell at him.

"No, we're in this together I won't leave you behind!" He responds looking at me with loving eyes.

We keep running until I hear another shot and feel a sharp pain in my calf making me fall. I scream in pain and look to see blood gushing out of my leg.

Derek stops and comes back to me with worry on his face.

"Go! Please I'll be fine just go!" I say but he doesn't move. I hear footsteps approaching fast and I look up to see Sam and Dean, guns in hand.

I look at Derek and his face has changed and his eyes are no longer their forest green, but a beautiful glowing crimson. He's a werewolf. Mind tells me. He lets out a loud roar.


I'm jerked awake and sit straight up panting. Dean is standing there with his hand on my shoulder and concerned eyes.

"I was going to let you sleep in a little longer but you were having a nightmare so I figured I'd wake you up." He says with a soft smile.

"Thanks." I say quietly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks awkwardly sitting down on the bed next to me. Sentiment was never his thing. I thought about telling him but that would mean bringing up Derek and last night. I knew he's be upset about it so I can't tell him.

"I was being chased by someone." Is all I say.

"Well you won't have to worry about that this time cause you're not getting involved." he says with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah." I answer. "Not this time." I say quietly and give him a small smile that he returns. But something tells me that I'm going to be more involved in this hunt than I have with any others.

I get up and grab clothes from my bag. We have to be at the Argent's house at eight and its only six now so I head for the shower, the dream still fresh in my mind. Was it more than a dream? I mean how could it be? Derek can't really be a werewolf right? I wouldn't trust him so much if he was.

That and why were Sam and Dean chasing us? What did we do that made them do that? All these unanswered questions are giving me a headache. I'll think about this later.

I get out of the steaming shower and get dressed. I'm wearing blue skinny jeans that weren't really tight (cause fighting supernatural creature should not be done in tight clothing), an army green tank top, and brown zip up leather jacket. I brush my long thick blonde hair that fell past my back just above my butt. I decided that first impressions matter so I blow dried it and curled it.

I'm not big on makeup so just curled my eyelashes and put on mascara making my blue eyes standout. I put my perfume and deodorant and looked at myself in the mirror.

I'm not skinny but I'm not overweight either. I have some chub but not a lot and have what you'd call 'thunder thighs' and a butt to match. I blame it on the workouts that I did in high school. Whenever Sam and Dean would be on long hunts I would stay after school and go into the weight room, but they don't know that.

A Winchester and a Haleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن