Common sense? Welcome to the Party!

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Derek's p.o.v.

I can't believe that I lost control. I lost control and I hurt her. I couldn't face her knowing what I almost did. I couldn't stop myself. It was like the only thing in world that mattered was that I gave her the bite.

I didn't leave the school though. I'm standing in the woods across the street and leaning on a tree. 

I see McKenna walk out of the school towards her car. She gets in, takes her over shirt off, puts her head in her hands. I can only imagine how much her arm must hurt right now. 

She sits like that for a few minute until she repeatedly starts to hit her steering wheel. When she stops her head is between her arms.

I catch a whiff of salt and I'm confused. Then it dawns on me. She's crying. I did that to her. I can't be with her. As much pain it'll bring the both of us she'll be safer that way. But right now Lydia is my main priority.

I start to walk back towards my car to wait for Scott to come looking for me. I know he will. 


McKenna's p.o.v.

I walk past the lacrosse field and I see Scott, Boyd, and Derek standing there. I creep close enough to hear what they're saying. I'm down wind so they shouldn't be able to smell me.

"What about Jackson? That's why you tested him isn't it? Because you gave him what he wanted, didn't you? Peter said the bite either kills you or turns you. You were probably hoping he would die. But nothing happened right?...And you have no idea why do you?" Scott goes off as he places all the pieces together. 

Halfway through his rant Derek locked eyes with me. He tried to stop Scott but he just kept going. 

"No." Derek says with gritted teeth after taking in an angry breath. 

I don't bother sticking around after that. I start to walk up to the school. So that's why Derek got so angry when we were talking about Jackson. He didn't want me to know that the reason he did it was that he was hoping that a sixteen year old boy would die. He's willing to just let someone people die because they're an inconvenience. And he wants to do the same to Lydia. 

Before I felt bad for choosing Scott's side but all I can feel is betrayal. Derek is no better than Dean. I should've known better than to trust a werewolf. 

I find Stiles, Allison, and Jackson dragging Lydia down the hallway. 

"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we stay in the library?" Lydia asks.

"Because we're meeting up with somebody else." Stiles says. 

"Hmm, why they, just meet us in the library?" She asks looking at Stiles eyebrows raised. 

"Oh, that would've been a great idea! Too late." Stiles says loudly.

"Okay, hold on-" She starts but is interrupted by Jackson walking forward and grabbing her arm. 

"Lydia, shut up and walk." He says. 

"Allison, its Isaac and Erica. They're ones going to do try to kill her." I whisper as we fall behind the three other.

"Why are you helping us aren't you with Derek?" She asks suspiciously. 

"I've decided to make the right choice due to some recently revealed intentions...and I don't think Derek and I are going to workout." I answer with sad eyes. 

She is quiet for a moment seeming to be thinking rather hard. 

"Okay, welcome to team Scott." She says smiling at the end and I smile back. 

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