Bloodthirsty Hippos

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Third Person POV

Lydia has been experiencing some odd things. She doesn't feel like herself. Strange and scary visions, flashbacks, and nightmares from her time on the lacrosse field with Peter. Most recently, Peter has come to her in a nightmare and then a vision demanding that she do everything that is asked of her with the promise that everything will go back to normal. 

The question is, will she take the deal?

Dean's POV

"It's not that deep." Chris Argent says as he cleans the bite on his wife's shoulder. 

"It's alright. I'll clean it myself." She tells him placing her hand on his. So far I haven't seen much emotion out of either of the Argents, but I can see it now. 

Chris walks over to where Sam, Gerard, and I are standing. 

"It's not that bad. We don't know. We can't know. Not for sure." He says almost sounding like he's trying to convince himself more than us. 

"It's a bite from an alpha." Gerard returns coldly. 

"She's my wife. Allison's Mother."

"And I'm the cold-hearted patriarch holding his family to its commitments. We all have our roles. Just don't expect me to play the poisoned king to your hamlet of a son. Not with a full moon coming." Gerard retorts before Chris can continue. 

"What about Allison?" Sam asks with concern. 

"How am I supposed to get her through this? We just buried Kate." Chris continues after. 

"Then tell me, how long is long enough? When exactly do you think Allison will be emotionally prepared enough to handle the death of her Mother?" Gerard reasons back. He has a point. No matter the timing something like that can destroy you. I should know. 

Chris glances at Victoria sadly, "She can't lose her too." He states in a whisper. 

"Ah, you're getting tenses mixed up. You're wife is already dead. That thing over there is just a cocoon waiting to hatch." Gerard replies. A bit harsh even for my standards. 

I gave Sam a look and we both made our way upstairs and into the living room. Far enough away from the Argents so that they couldn't hear. 

"I don't like this," I stated plainly. 

"Me either Dean. But it's still up to Chris and Victoria whether they go through with it or not." Sam responded. 

"No. That's not what I'm talking about. McKenna is mated with a werewolf who's spilled human blood, multiple times from the sounds of it, and goes around biting people. How do we know he's not gonna go ape-shit and bite her? Or worse kill her?" I reply in a hushed angry tone. 

"Dean, Victoria trapped an innocent teenager in a conex and tried to kill him with an aerosol wolfsbane. I don't think Derek is the bad guy here. McKenna isn't a little girl anymore she can take care of herself." Sam responds.

Gerard walks around the corner just as he finishes. "Gentleman. What say you about the situation going on downstairs?" He asks. 

"I don't think it's our place. We should get goin. This seems like a family matter." I say with an uncomfortable chuckle. 

"Fair enough. Family businesses come with many hard choices. Even ones that might mean there's less family afterward." He says creepily with a smile. 

"Haha, that's true. Let's go, Sam." I say turning towards the door and hitting Sam on the chest as I do. 

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