At Least You Didn't Shoot Me

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McKenna's p.o.v.

"Why would I want to kill you?" I ask suspiciously, while slowly standing up. He does the same. I know why, my dream was right. 

"I think you know why." He answers his eyes start to glow the beautiful crimson color just like in my dream. My gun is out of my purse and pointed at him in a second. 

"What the hell! Was this your plan? Get me alone and then take me down?" I yell at him gun still raised.

"No, no. Not at all. I wanted to show you that most of the supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills don't want to hurt anyone. Me included. Nothing I've told you has been a lie." He says his eyes fading back to their original color. 

Something dawns on me. "Those two kids at the restaurant, they're apart of your pack aren't they?" I ask.

"No, Scott is a werewolf yes, but he's not apart of my pack and Stiles is just Stiles, he's human." He says. 

"So, there's more than one pack here?" I ask confused. 

"No. Yes. Well sort of. If you put the gun down it'll be a lot easier to explain." He says. There's that damn feeling. The feeling that I can trust everything he's saying right now. I go through a small mental argument before making my decision.

"Fine, but you better have one good explanation." I say lowering the gun and putting it in the waistband of my pants behind me.

"Okay, start explaining." I demand.

And he did. He told me everything. Starting with his house burning down with his family inside, about how he came back because of his sisters death, about the alpha and how it was actually his uncle who turned Scott. 
He told me about Scott's make shift pack of misfits and he caught me up on what he knows about the kanima (which isn't a lot) and Chris Argents father Gerard. 

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"Yeah, and the only reason I lied to you about all this is because you told me your last name in the grocery store. I had heard of you and your brothers and I didn't want you guys killing everyone here." He says. 

I'm quiet for a while after that.

"Oh my god, I was right. We are the monsters." I say defeated. I lean on the hood of his car. 

"I'm so sorry." I tell him.

"What are you apologizing for?" He asks coming closer to me now that he knows I'm not going to shoot him.

"Because of the reputation we leave behind wherever we go. It's caused you to think we'd kill a bunch of innocent teenagers. Hell, my brother has killed innocent teenagers." I say tears forming in my eyes, but I push them back. There's no way I'm letting myself cry twice in one day. 

"Hey, it's okay. I've done some really bad things too. But the reason I came to you is because I knew you wouldn't want to kill anyone." He says to me. 

He walks closer and I feel his arms wrap around me. I can't believe a werewolf is hugging me...and I'm okay with it. Dean would shoot him in sight. But I didn't. I couldn't. So instead I just hug him back. 

We just sit there like that for a while arms wrapped around each other. Time seemed to be moving so slow. 

"Do you mind if I come stay with you tonight? I don't think I can handle my brothers right now." I ask pulling away slightly and looking at him. 

"Of course, but I'm gonna tell you right now there's gonna be three other werewolves there and they don't have very good control yet." He says. 

"That's fine I can take care of myself, and I promise I won't kill them." I say smiling at the end and he chuckles. 

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