[34] A Day in the Life of a Chief

Start from the beginning

"I still can't believe I'm the first outside the Cheiftess family to see this!" Varor exclaimed excitedly. He looked a tad younger, a bit skinnier with less muscle. Unlike his usual attire, he has on a black sweater under a sleeveless white jacket. A furry hood over his head and covering most of his dark hair.

You laughed at his excitement, "Now hold on there you big dork, you aren't seeing the whole thing, remember? The part you get to see really isn't all that special. So don't get your hopes up."

"I know," he scratched his neck, "But it's really hard not to be."

You shook your head at him, a smile on your face. That's when you let your gaze wander around the place. You are standing in a house, that's for sure. It's walls are made up of grey stone bricks, smooth on the surface. A thatched roof stands high above your head, and wooden support beams string across here and there. The room holds some shelving holding an assortment of things along with a large wooden table sitting in the middle of the room made out of a dark oak. Torches sitting on the walls illuminate the place with a warm glow.

Suddenly, an oak door swings open on it's hinges. In enters a woman, she stands a foot taller than you. Her skin is a (S/C) like yours, and warm (E/C) eyes that glow in the dim light. Black hair, up into a pixie mohawk, gives her an intimidating look. She walks with purpose in her stride and holds herself with confidence that resonates authority. Her clothing is made up of a dark green, loose, long-sleeved shirt under a brown leather jerkin with a dark brown corset around her middle. Brown pants disappear into dark boots laced up tight. Thick, dark brown bracers rest snugly over her sleeves. The pelt of a white wolf is draped over her shoulders. She smiles as soon as she sees you.

"Pardon me for taking longer than usual to get here, I had business to attend." Her eyes trial over to Varor, raising a quizzical brow. "Hello Varor, anxious for us to get started I see?"

"You bet Cheiftess!" He gave her a thumbs up with a smirk.

The Cheiftess's gaze turned serious. "Varor," her tone went cold, "Anything you hear here is between us. It is an honor to even witness this much of the moon-high tradition. As only my family has ever been a apart of this nightly ritual for generations."

Varor, sensing the gravity of the situation, stood straighter and nodded. "I won't tell a soul."

The Cheiftess seemed pleased with this answer before turning her attention to you. "Ready to get started?"

You smirked, "Mom, I was born ready!"

She shook her head at your childish behavior, "Actually, you were born an hour late to be ready." The Cheiftess bends over and picks up a large basket that was hiding under the table.

"Hey, I was still born on the same day," you pointed out. Going to a shelf on your side of the room and scrutinizing the jars sitting on it.

You hear your mother laugh, "Yes, as you constantly remind me."

Grabbing a jar filled with a clear liquid, you turn back to the Cheiftess. "What else is there to brag about?" You place the jar on the table next to the basket.

"Um," Varor decided to join in, "How about being the Cheiftess's daughter?"

You shook your head, going to a corner in the room and opening the chest there. "Yeah, like that's something special. You get to deal with economics and learn about the fun world of negotiations," sarcasm dripping from your words.

"They are important matters, (Y/N)" You hear your mother interject. You roll your eyes and pick up a bundle of herbs from the chest, closing it. You walk back to the table and set it down. Noticing the addition of a bar of soap and a bristled brush.

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