[14] A Blast From The Past

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*Second Person POV*

        You flipped a page in one of the notebooks that was in the bag from when you first awoke here. You realize it's been a week and a half since then. Not much has really happened. You spent most of your time helping out Valka with dragons in the Hanger. Most of the wild dragons have been released back into the wild, but a few with more severe injures had to stay behind. Your life staying with Hiccup hasn't been all that exciting. But that's to be expected when he's out most of the time. Whether its dealing with ships in Berk's ports, or just everyday Viking problems brought to him. He's always busy, and sometimes you have to force him to rest because of how much he tends to overworks himself. Astrid checks on you a lot to make sure you haven't been up to anything. You've tried to have conversations with her, but she doesn't stick around long. You're pretty sure she still dislikes you, and has yet to trust you.

        You sighed and closed the notebook, setting it on the grass beside you as you closed your eyes. The notebook didn't really provide any answers to your questions from your dream last night. All it did was leave you with more questions. The notebook you left behind only held drawings and descriptions of different dragons. You had actually given it to Fishlegs, because it held information that they didn't even have in their book of dragons. The one you set down beside you is some sorta journal. Most of it contained things like the phases of the moon, drawings, and notes on how to handle certain situations. The notes made you wonder what you did in your past, your occupation. What position or role were you part of to need notes like this?

        A playful roar broke you from your jumbled thoughts. You looked up to see a bundle of tan and black limbs roll across the patch of grass in front of you. The bundle untangled itself into two dragons. Toothless landed back on his fours, smiling his toothless smile. While Skyler landed on her back, wings splayed out with a disoriented expression.

        Toothless let out a dragon laugh at her expression, she huffed and rolled over. Before tackling the black dragon for laughing at her. Toothless let out a startled roar before pushing her off him. Then they proceeded to chase each other in circles, until Skyler got distracted by a butterfly. You couldn't help but smile at their antics, momentarily forgetting the questions that crowded your mind a moment before. A small chuckle to your left catches your attention. Hiccup is leaning against a tree, he's able to be here because it's a slow day today. Allowing him to take a break, and since you were going for a walk on your own. He decided to tag along to make sure your safe. Now you guys are just chilling in a clearing. Hiccup is writing down things in the journal he's holding earlier. But now it looks like he took a moment to watch the hyper dragons before you.

        "They always seem to full of energy." He said, more to himself. You nodded in agreement. Watching Skyler pounce on a blue butterfly. Toothless looked over her shoulder as she lifted her paws to see if she got it. It wasn't there, so both dragons looked about in confusion before the butterfly flew out from under her arm, and into the sky. You laughed as the dragons followed the butterfly with their eyes, holding a surprised expression.

        "Curious too," you added.

        "Yeah, and that really isn't the best thing." Hiccup said, rubbing the back of his head.

        "How come? Is it because Toothless getting his head stuck in things?" You joked with a small giggle. Hiccup laughed and shook his head, remembering earlier this morning. Toothless had gotten his head stuck  in a fish basket. You two had to chase him around the village for quite awhile. Silence now settled over the clearing, except for the sounds of the two dragons wrestling. It didn't stay like that for long.

        Skyler stopped playing and stood erect. Head facing the opposite side of the clearing, ears pricked. Toothless stopped smiling and looked at her confused, he made some dragon noises. As if he's asking her what's wrong, looking in the direction she's looking.

        "What is it bud?" Hiccup asked Toothless. Toothless didn't respond, he only pricked his ears like Skyler. You slowly stood up as Skyler let out a low rumbling growl. Hiccup turned to you to ask you something, but he only managed to open his mouth.


        A  sandy colored dragon jumped from the undergrowth in front of the two dragons. It tackled Skyler before you could get a better look, but even without a good look. You instinctively pulled out the dagger from your side. A sense of familiarity came over you, but you pushed it aside since Skyler is in danger.

        Skyler and the sandy colored dragon tumbled across the ground before she pushed it off. Now that it's off, you could get a better look at it. It has the same build as a nightfury, but it has spikes in place of the night fury ears. And the tail fins are differently shaped. (Pic) You gripped your dagger tighter.

        "Toothless! Plasma blast!" Commanded Hiccup. Toothless let loose a blue blast of plasma at the dragon, it managed to jump out of the way in time, and growled at Toothless, before it sniffed the air. It let out a even more menacing growl if possible, before it locked its gaze on you.

        Then it charged. But it didn't get very far when Skyler moved in front of it, being the only thing between the sandy dragon and you. You saw Toothless bound over to Hiccup, and Hiccup easily hopped onto the dragon's back. Skyler let out a defiant roar bringing your attention back to in front of you, determined to keep you safe. The sandy colored dragon roared back before it let out a blast, similar to Toothless but yellow and sandy, at Skyler. She jumped back and retaliated with her own, but icily and violet.

        The sand dragon took to the air to avoid the attack, then dove down towards you. It was only several feet away when Toothless blocked its way in the air, baring his teeth. The sand dragon snarled and glared at the dragon and rider with narrowed yellow eyes. Hiccup drew what looks to be a sword's hilt from his belt. He flicked it out, and some metal structure resembling the blade of a sword slid out. And to your surprise, caught fire, which also seemed to startle the sand dragon.

        Hiccup held a hard gaze at the dragon, as it got over its shock and noticed that you now climbed on Skyler. It growled angrily at Hiccup, before it charged towards him in the air. Hiccup waved his fire sword forward, making the dragon turn away last second, and circled Toothless. Then without warning, dove towards you and Skyler.

        "No!" Hiccup shouted before urging Toothless to dive after it, putting away his sword so he can hang on better, but it was already to late to stop it, and before you knew it, claws wrapped around your arms and tore you from Skyler's back as you let out a startled yell. Skyler roared in dismay as the dragon flew higher and out of her reach. She flapped the wing not bandaged to her side, desperately to fly, but of course she failed. You struggled in the sand dragon's grip, trying to free yourself.

        "Hold on! We're coming!" You heard Hiccup yell behind you. The sand dragon looked over its shoulder and growled, before pumping its wings faster, trying to get away.

        'I need to get free! But how?!' You thought frantically as you struggled. Then you stopped as an idea hit you. You flipped the dagger around in your hand to face the dragon's underbelly, since you had somehow managed to hold on to that thankfully. Without a second to lose, plunged it up and into the spot above you, it wasn't a fatal blow to the heart, but enough to harm it to let you go.

        You screamed as you free fell through the sky before a pair of arms caught you. You looked up to see the relieved face of Hiccup smiling down at you. Green eyes sparkling with relief. For some reason, you felt your face heat up. Which utterly confused you, because you certainly didn't feel hot.

        Hiccup didn't get to see your redding face as his attention moved to the fleeing form of the sand dragon. You narrowed your eyes at its form, some memory had begun to tug at the back of your head. You then gasped in realization, making Hiccup look at you with a questioning look. The sand dragon you just encountered.

        Was one of the blurred dragons in your dream.

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