[24] We're Back

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*Second Person POV*

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted, all wearing utterly shocked expressions on their faces. Varor flinched at the sudden outburst.

"So that means, (Y/N) is your Cheiftess's daughter!?!" Exclaimed Fishlegs, on the edge of his seat.

"Woah! So she's like, a big deal!" Tuffnut shouted as he stood up.

"She's a less bossy version of Hiccup!" Ruffnut remarked, causing both you and Hiccup to give her a look. Yours was startled for the random statement, and his was slight annoyance for being offended.

"I knew something was off about her, but I didn't think it would be this." Astrid thought aloud to herself as she looked down. You were surprised she didn't jump up from her seat and yell at you. But then again, you had your own thoughts to worry about.

"So that's why those riders are... after me?" You spoke up, clutching your necklace for comfort.

"Sadly yes, but that's what I'm here for." Varor smiled at you while he place a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You didn't respond, you just stared ahead at the fire. All this information was just too overwhelming.

You belong to a tribe, Luzarain, or clan, whatever they call it. You have only that one memory of a village somewhere underground, and you have no idea where it is. You have a guardian, a protector assigned to you to make sure you stayed out of harms way. Your home is apparently ravaged by an ambush, your people slaughtered. Now, you are the only sole person who can actually get inside your home village, with a key you apparently posses but you don't. Your thoughts are an absolute mess as you frown at the flames.

"Is there anything else you can tell us?" Hiccup questioned Varor, you could see Hiccup glancing at you in concern.

"Sorry, I can't. Besides..." Varor trailed off looking at you. "We should sleep, we have a long flight ahead." Hiccup nodded in understanding.

"Alright gang, let's rest for the night." Hiccup announced to everyone. They didn't object, and settled down to get comfortable silently. Though sometimes they would shoot some looks your way as they did. Your head felt too full to care.

"Hey," Varor poked you in the shoulder, causing you to look up at him since he's now standing next to you. "You can rest on Remus if you want, to stay warm, and I'll sleep by the fire."

You opened you mouth to decline but Varor spoke before you could. "Don't be so generous, I'm your guardian and I insist." He smirked down at you, you couldn't help but crack a small smile and roll your eyes at him. It's best you try not to stress yourself out too much, it can be dealt with later.

Remus lifts a wing off the ground, allowing you to lay down and get comfortable under his wing before he lowered it. Before he's wing fully touched the ground, however, you could have sworn you saw Hiccup frown at Varor for second. The image didn't stay long though, and was soon forgotten as you fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~( Time skip )~~~~~~~~

"Welcome to Berk, Varor!" Hiccup announced as the isle of Berk came into view. You smiled at the sight of it, glad to be back in some place familiar. Your smile falters for a moment, its almost like you've accepted the island as your home but in reality it isn't. You push the negative thought away, not wanting to deal with it right now.

"Wow..." Varor breathed in awe from his spot in front of you. Remus gave a gurgle of agreement from under you, looking excited to land. Yes, you are riding on Remus with Varor because he had insisted you ride with him.

"Why are you so surprised? Its just Berk with its trees and dragons." Snotlout snickered from Hookfang's back.

"It's just... I've never seen a forest before. Or mountains for that matter." Varor explained, still staring on at Berk. His eyes practically sparkled with wonder and awe.

"You haven't?" You asked Varor. You remember how amazing everything was when you first woke up, but you blamed that on your memory loss for being so entranced by the scenery. 'I guess the cave couldn't support things like forests and such in a cool rocky environment. But how was there grass in my dream?' You rationalized, a bit puzzled.

"But what about when you were captured, didn't you see things like that when they traveled?" Fishlegs pointed out to Varor.

"That's kinda hard to do with a bag over your head." Varaor causally responded with a shrug.

"Anyway, get ready to land... Oh man, I'm not looking forward to catching up on chief duties." Hiccup complained with a sigh before urging Toothless to a dive. Everyone followed his lead as you all followed Hiccup to land right in front of the Great Hall. The Viking villagers all greeted your return with friendly smiles, but some also showed interest in a new rider and dragon with you. Varor wore a smirk and waved at them, undaunted by all the attention. Remus huffed and rolled his eyes at him. You giggled and patted the dragon's side to let him know you feel the same way.

"I guess the mission was a success then." Valka's voice came from behind you all. You turn on your seat to see Valka walking over to Hiccup. She starts up a conversation with him, and Astrid soon joins in to add her parts of the journey.

A shadow looms above you, causing Varor to tense up and look up to see the origin of the shadow. Remus also tenses, ready to spring to action if he need's to be. You snicker at their reaction before sliding off Remus and looking up at Cloudjumper. You smile up at the large Stormcutter, and Cloudjumper friendly nudges you in response. You look over at Varor to see him get off of Remus and scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment for being so on edge. Remus paws the ground and looks away, trying to play it cool. You laugh at the sight.

"You don't need to look so embarrassed, you didn't know Cloudjumper was a friend." You say reassuringly as you run your hand down one of Cloudjumper's wings.

"Yeah I guess so." He smiled, before his eyes snapped to something to your left. Before you could look, Cloudjumper stepped away from you and you were abruptly tackled by something big and furry. You land on your back and catch a glimpse of tan fur and (F/C) underbelly. You immediately recognize it's Skyler before you are smothered in dragon kisses.

"UGH! Skyler! Stop, that's gross!" You complained yet laughed at the same time. Skyler got off and purred loudly next to you as you sat up and shook off the dragon spit. "Good to see you too."

Varor laughed at your situation, making the mood light and happy. All the shock from yesterday seem to ease away, and you decided that you would worry about your past later. It wouldn't hurt to relax for a bit after several days of stress.

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