[18] The Second Day

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*Second Person POV*

        You yawned, waking up from sleep. You stretched your limbs to get rid of the stiffness in them in before you opened your eyes. You had fallen asleep leaning on a rock a few feet away from the lake to your right.

        'Huh? Must have fallen asleep while gazing at the stars last night,' you thought. You don't remember going to sleep. You stand up from the rock and stretch your back some more to get rid of kinks. You wished you had found something more comfortable than a rock to fall asleep on.

        "Good, your awake." Astrid's voice said with no warmth. You look over to your left to see Astrid with a hand on her hip, the other carrying a bundle of wood. You can also see Hiccup and the twins a little behind her, doing their own things around the fire pit they set up last night. Hiccup has a map laid out across the ground, and is looking over it with Toothless. Tuffnut is having a tug-a-war match with a terrible terror over a his bag with Ruffnut cheering him on. Their zippleback is still sleeping nearby. But you notice that a few people are missing.

        "Morning to you too. Um, where's the others?" You ask Astrid.

        "They went out to find food. Hiccup says we're staying here for a bit to prepare a plan before we continue." Astrid explained. "And now that you're up, you can help out." She smirked before practically shoving the bundle of wood she was holding into your arms. For a moment, you fumbled a bit with the pile, trying to not drop it. "You can fix up the fire pit, then fish." She said as she turned around and walked away. You huff as you blow a strand of hair that fell in front of your face. 'Nice way to start the day.' You thought sarcastically.

        You made your way to the fire pit. Dropping the wood in a pile next to the pit, causing you to catch the attention of Hiccup and Toothless. Hiccup lifted his head to glance at you, then returned to his map. Toothless left his side and bounded over to you as you focused on the task of removing charred wood from the pit.

        "Good morning." Hiccup greeted.

        "Morning. Have you made a plan yet?" You asked, now using a stick to sweep some ash away. Toothless had leaned down to get a better look at what your're doing, and you accidentally swept a cloud of ash into Toothless's face, making him sneeze. He looked at you with a confused expression, attempting to snort the excess ash out of his nostrils. You muffled a laugh with your free hand, and you heard Hiccup chuckle a bit as well.

        "No, not yet." Hiccup answered, while you picked up a few logs and set them in place. "I'm just been looking over our route."

        "What about when we get there? Do I just go with them, because I don't feel entirely alright about that idea," you confessed.

        "We'll figure something out, we still have two days." Hiccup reassured you with a smile. You put the last wood in place and smile back at him. 'Yeah. And besides, the trip to Melody Island takes one and a half days. So we have plenty of time still.' You thought, relieved.

        When you turned to Toothless and patted him on the nose, you were about to ask Hiccup if you could borrow him to help fish, but loud quick wing beats interrupted you. You feel two thumps vibrate through the ground, and look up to see Snoutlout and Fishlegs on their dragons. Looking like they've been rolling in some bushes with the branches stuck in their hair.

        "Hiccup! We've, got a problem!" Fishlegs announced, sliding off of a scared looking Meatlug.

        "What is it?" Astrid suddenly appeared next to Hiccup, beating him to the punch.

        "This might sound crazy. But a psycho plant attacked us!" Snotlout hysterically explained.

        "A what?" You stared at him. 'Am I missing a memory about vicious plants too?' You thought, clearly lost. Hiccup looked skeptical, Astrid gave him a not impressed look. And the twins... you have no idea what they're doing at the moment.

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