[6] Mysterious Visitor

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*Second Person POV*

Hiccup had shown you around the sights of Berk. He showed you Gobber's hut and introduced you to Gobber. He walked you around the village, and told you of the mechanisms that put out accidental fires that hung above the houses. Though some looked damaged, and others were completely missing from the storm. Hiccup also explained to you the types of dragons that lived around here too. By then, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Astrid had walked off by now doing whatever errand they had to do. So it was just Hiccup and you until... You let out a started yelp as you were tackled to the ground by something from behind. No correction, somethings. About five Terrible Terrors scampered off of you in a rush.

"You alright?" Hiccup asked you as he helped you up.

"Yeah," you replied dusting yourself off.

"Hey! Get back here!" Shouted a female voice.

"Yeah! You get back here right now!" Yelled a male voice behind you and Hiccup. You turned around to see a blonde boy and girl running your way. The moment they saw you they stopped in their tracks, nearly tripping over each other. The boy opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by some angry yelling behind them. Shoving each other to move, they rushed behind you and Hiccup and hid there. You looked at them confused while Hiccup gave them a questioning look. They motioned for you to be quiet, and you decided it was probably best to go with it.

"Those twins are going to be in a lot of trouble when I get my hands on them!" Yelled an angry older sounding female voice. Looking up at the source. You see a woman in a simple leather armor outfit with a furry hood thing coming from the collar. She somehow reminded you of Hiccup. Again, like the two blondes, she stopped when she saw you. Then she walked up to you.

"It seems that she's finally woken up. And telling that your with my son, you're no threat." She said, inspecting every inch of you with her eyes. Which made you feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Mom. This is Y/N. She's lost her memory, and I'm allowing her to stay here on Berk till she gets it back." Hiccup explained. Hiccup's Mom's eyes softened hearing that. You heard a sniffle behind you and saw the boy wiping a tear away while the girl rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm Valhallarama, Hiccup's mother." She said putting out a hand for you to shake. You shook it and smiled. "I hope to see you help with the injured dragons one of these days. Unlike these two making everything worse." Valka (I'm am not typing Valhallarama every time!) said, glaring at the twins behind you. The girl stepped out from behind you.

"It was Tuffnut's fault! He was the one poking them!" She blamed her brother and pointed at him behind you. He then stepped out and got in her face.

"Well, it was Ruffnut's fault for teasing them with the fish!" He yelled back. Banging his forehead against hers in anger.

"Is this ... normal for them?" You asked Hiccup next to you gesturing to the bickering twins.

"Pretty much. That's Ruffnut and Tuffnut for you," he sighed. You watched as the twins were now hitting each other as they moved away from were you stood and out of sight. Valka and Hiccup simultaneously shook their heads at them. 'There was no denying that they weren't mother and son.' You giggled at the thought. Hiccup raised an eyebrow at you but said nothing.

"You two best get back. It's getting late." Valka pointed out.

"You're right. It's been another busy day. Come on (Y/N)." Hiccup motioned as he began to walk towards his house while looking over at you.

"It was nice meeting you!" You called over your shoulder to Valka before running over to Hiccup. Toothless was next to him. Back from where ever he went off to. You walked back in silence to Hiccup's house. He told you that the room you woke up in is the one you'll be staying in. You thanked him and went upstairs after taking a slice of ham and buttered bread for dinner. Ignoring the complaints of Hiccup that it wasn't a proper dinner. You smiled to yourself hearing Hiccup give up as his voice faded when you near you room. You open the door to your room and notice some extra clothes on your bed. You smile at the fact Hiccup somehow planned it. Muttering a Thank you under your breath. You change into some sleep clothes then look around for a bathroom upstairs. Once you finished your business you head back towards your room.

Scratch, Scratch, Thud.

You froze. Someone or something was in your room. Hesitantly putting you hand on the nob, then slowly turning it. You open a crack in the door and peer into the room. But no one was there. You open the door fully now to make sure. And sure enough, the room's empty. Upon entering the room, you immediately notice something different. Under the open window on a side wall. Is a large leather bag with the symbol of your necklace burned into the leather. You go over to it and open it. Inside are two notebooks, a medical kit, enough food to last for a week, and a large brush. Too big for your head, and tan colored fur seems to be lodged in it. You looked out the window in thought. Whoever dumped this here, knew you. Which meant, they held the answers of your forgotten past.

Hidden Night (Hiccup x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now