[16] The Message

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*Second Person POV*

You stared in shock at the rider before you. Your hand instinctively going to your side for your dagger. When all you feel is a empty scabbard you mentally faceplam yourself for not replacing your lost dagger. Well, at least you had Skyler, who is viciously growling from behind you. So doing the only thing you can do, you take in the rider before you. Its obviously male by the heavy set built he has. He is wearing some kind of sandy battle looking suit. The chest is plated in thick strips of leather that are a dark brown color. Spikes line the sides of his arms and shoulders. He also wears a helmet made of dark leather, spikes protruding from the back of it. A battle ax rests upon his back and the symbol from the flag in the ocean is painted on his chest in black. (Chapter 7 has the description of it before the memory if you don't remember.)

"Who are you?" Hiccup asked, looking suspiciously at the rider. Toothless managed to poke his nose under Hiccup's arm so he could growl at the guy.

"And what are you doing here!?" Astrid yelled at the guy. Her ax at the ready. The rider looked over your battle ready group. Taking you all in, then stopping on you.

"I came bringing a message for the girl named (Y/N)." He answered, still looking directly at you. Your breath caught up in your throat as you stood there utterly shocked. 'Hold on, didn't this guy's dragon try and kidnap me?' You thought.

"Wait, you are here to bring her a message after your dragon tried to take her?!" Snotlout exclaimed, obviously as confused as you by this foreign rider's actions. It just didn't seem to compute with your head.

"And how do you know her?!" Fishlegs added.

"She has some thing our leader wants. And only she can use." The rider responded, not really answering the question entirely. 'Wait, what does he mean by that? And why can only I use it. This makes no sense, this is all so confusing.' You thought frustratingly. You focused back into reality when Hiccup stepped protectively in front of you.

"Ugh! Just get to the point already!" Yelled Ruffnut. Hiccup made a motion to keep quiet before turning back to the foreign rider.

"What is the message?" Hiccup called out to the rider, watching the guy and his dragon closely as if to make sure they're not up to anything.

"(Y/N), we have your guardian as a prisoner." He began. 'Guardian? ... I have a guardian?' You couldn't think much on it as the rider continued. "In exchange for him, you will travel to Melody Island and deliver us the key of your clan. You have three days, or else ..." He paused for dramatic effect. "We'll kill him." And with that, he urged his dragon to take flight. Then the rider and dragon turned away from your little group and flew away. Just before Astrid could take a swing at them with her ax.

"Should we follow them?" Fishlegs asked.

"That might not be wise. It could jeopardize the life of this guardian." Valka spoke up for the first time since she saw the rider.

"Just who is this guardian, and what key is he talking about?" Astrid asked in an annoyed tone, probably because she's getting tired of all the surprises and secrets hovering around you.

"I don't know. All I do know is that this guy is going to be killed because of my stupid memory loss." You mutter, crossing your arms and looking at the ground. You feel a nudge in your side, and see Skyler trying to comfort you. Then you feel a nudge on the other side of you, and see Toothless trying to do the same thing. You couldn't help but give a small smile at their support. You were also too distracted by the dragons to notice Hiccup watching you for a moment.

"Well, if we don't do anything. Then they might not stop at the death of this one guy. They'll probably come and try to take whatever they are talking about by force. And that isn't good for Berk." Hiccup pointed out.

"What are you going to do?" Valka asked him. You looked up at Hiccup for his answer. Hiccup returned the gaze to you.

"I think the best thing to do. Is send a group to go with (Y/N) and rescue her guardian. They could hold some valuable clues to her past. And maybe also see what's up with these mysterious dragon riders." He thought out.

"What if it's a trap?" Astrid questioned.

"Then we get to fight!" Ruffnut yelled, fist-bumping the air.

"Finally! Some action instead of boring peace!" Tuffnut agreed with excitement. You didn't feel so enthusiastic about it.

Hidden Night (Hiccup x Fem!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora