[1] One Stormy Night

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(Y/N) = Your name        (F/C) = Favorite color        (E/C) = Eye color        (H/C) = Hair color        (H/L) = Hair length    (D/H) = Dominant Hand
(S/C) = Skin color        A/N = Authors Note

A/N: The things above are a key for the rest of the story for those of you unfamiliar to second person stories. This is my first x reader, girl version on here, so I will admit it could be better in the beginning. If you give it a chance however, the chapters will get longer and better the further you go. Alright, now that I have said what I need to say, you may go on to the actual chapter. P.S: This story originally came from Quotev, I'm slowly posting it here till it reaches the most recently made chapters.

*Second Person POV*

        You hear screams echo in your ears. You simultaneously feel wet and cold, but you can't move or open your eyes. Thunder booms overhead and the wind whips around you. Images flash in your head.

You see fire, blazing in it's deadly dance. You hear the screams of humans and beasts alike, filled with pain and terror. You see silhouettes of bodies in the flames, like crisp silhouettes against the orange glow. You hear the roars of beasts inside your mind, and the claps of thunder around you. You watch as a building crumbles in your head, while at the same moment, you hear trees snap from the wind.

         Its confusing hearing the sounds in your head and the world around you. The two seem to mix together in chaos, only making the scenes in your head all the more terrifying.

        You see yourself running from the turmoil, but as you look behind you, you see shapes of men and scary beasts. The images go black again but you still hear the entropy. A woman screams your name.

        An image flashes before you of a man being slaughtered before your eyes by a dark shadow of another. The pictures change to you being shoved onto something soft by someone, screeching for you to run. Its changes again to show you in the mist of a storm, being thrown around by the violent winds. Rain relentlessly soaking your clothes. The last vision you see is the ground rushing towards you and a loud anguished roar sounds from above, before you plunge into darkness.

*Third Person's POV*

        Everything is blanketed in an eerie silence. Not even an animal stirred. That is until loud creaks broke the silence. Sounding from ruined doors as people peer out of their homes to see if the deadly storm has gone.

        The buildings look battered and some completely destroyed.  The only things unharmed is the great stone hall and statue of a great Viking still standing tall and proud. A young man, covered in leather armor and has brown hair, emerged out from the largest house that he took shelter in after helping others get to safety. Many people looked around in disbelief at the damage around them. Pieces of roofing and wooden beams lay scattered all over the muddy ground. Some buildings have only the main support beams remaining. The sky still remains a dreary grey.

Then, scaled noses poke out from intact doors, cautiously leaving their safety as they came up behind the villagers. Instead of being scared, they embraced the dragons, some rushing to their side happy that they're unharmed. The young man looked behind him as a big black head poked out of the house with striking emerald green eyes. Then the creature stepped out and looked around, sniffing any debris near it as it walked over the young man. The man, however, was now looking up at the sky at the approaching group of dragons. A teal and yellow dragon landed next to him and a blonde young woman slid off the dragon's back. The other dragons landed around them with their own riders dismounting.

        "What are we going to do about this mess?" Asked the blonde to the leather man. The other riders grouped together a little bit away and stared dumbstruck at all the devastation.

        "We'll need to get supplies to fix all this up. We don't have enough here. We weren't prepared for a storm that size," he sighed. The blonde nodded and watched in annoyance as a bickering arose among the riders.

        "I'll tell Gobber to get the others in town to help clean up the rubble," she said.

        "And I'll organize the groups to go out and collect the supplies. Also tell Gobber to get the forge ready. Looks like we are going to need it," sighed the man.

*Hiccup's POV*

        I split us up into three groups. Ruffnut and Tuffnut are going to help clean up the rubble at Berk. While the rest of us go get the supplies needed to fix the island. Fishlegs and Snotlout are searching the near the beaches for anything useful that may have washed ashore, and Astrid and I search the woods in the wilderness. We've already brought back three trips of supplies of things like wood, stone, and some things blown from the village. Now we're out for the forth time.

I frown slightly as I look down at the broken forest streaming below me. Some trees have fallen, many branches are broken, and some trees have been uprooted entirely. I bet there are some injured dragons out there that will need some help. If not, then a place to stay.

Suddenly, I feel Toothless tense under me.

        "What's wrong bud?" I said into his ear. Toothless lets out a growl and tips his head down for a second. "Take us to it." I respond leaning forward on his back. Toothless immediately dives towards two fallen trees that looks like they snapped near the bottom and had fallen on each other. Leaning on each other and sorta making a tent of leaves and branches. Toothless opens his wings and neatly lands and I jump off of him. Just after I dismounted him, he dives into the branches. Several moments pass, and I take a few steps forward to see where he went. Suddenly, the branches stir and Toothless starts backing up, dragging something gingerly out in his jaws. I run over to help, only to stop dead in my tracks. Toothless had pulled out a severely wounded young woman.

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