[5] Dragons

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*Second Person POV*

        Hiccup led you outside, the others following behind. The first thing you notice about the town outside is how damaged everything looks. People, no scratch that, Vikings milled about from place to place. All of them looked to be busy doing something. Some repairing houses, some cleaning the homes of debris, and others moving supplies place to place. You also saw some flashes of color here and there. You gasped once you realized what the colors really were. They were dragons! Dragons of different shapes and sizes. Helping out the Vikings carry large heavy loads or move wood onto torn roofs. Some Vikings are even flying on the great beasts!

        "Amazing isn't it? How they co-exist together like that in harmony." Said Hiccup, watching them work on the town. You nodded speechless. "I have someone who would like to meet you." Hiccup said. You looked at him with a eyebrow raised. You suddenly flinched away from Hiccup as he let out a ear piercing whistle. You rubbed your ears and glared at Hiccup for not warning you that he was going to do that right next to you. You soon realized that everyone was watching you closely. You were about to ask why they were until a roar sounded from the side of the house. You looked over there to see a sleek black dragon with bright emerald green eyes bound out from the side of the house.

        "I bet she'll be scared of him." You heard Snotlout say to the others behind you. You just stared at the dragon as it ran towards you. The dragon went around you before it could run into you. It jumped around you in circles as you keep looking back and forth trying to keep up with the hyper beast. When it finally stopped in front of you and stared at you with its big eyes, you could feel the stares of the others waiting for your reaction. Which was the opposite of what they were expecting of a girl who lost her memories, and has a dragon larger than her looking her up and down. You smiled and put a hand out to the dragon, as if you were asking it permission to pet it. The dragon looked at your hand for a moment, contemplating it. Before it decided that you're not going to hurt it, and rubbed its head against your hand while making a happy purring sound. You laughed as you rubbed the dragon's smooth scales with one hand and scratched it behind the ear with the other. Making louder purring sounds erupt from its throat. You look up to find surprised and dumbfounded looks on the others faces.

        "I certainly didn't expect that," Fishlegs said first.

        "Me neither. I thought she would've coward." Astrid admitted. Snotlout just stared with his mouth open.

        "Interesting," was all Hiccup had to say.

        "What?" You asked them, clearly confused on why they're so surprised.

        "Usually people are not so ... trusting of dragons," explained Fishlegs.

        You frowned, "Why wouldn't they?" You asked puzzled as you looked back down at the loudly purring dragon. You smiled again, "This one is just a big sweetheart." The dragon let out a louder purr, if that was even possible, to your remark.

        "Well.. that's Toothless. He's always like that." Hiccup pointed out.

        "Toothless?" You ask wondering why someone would name their dragon that. They have teeth don't they? Your question was answered by Toothless himself. When he laid down and rolled onto his back and gave you a toothless grin, his pink tongue hanging out. "Oh, I see."

        "Hmpf. I'll like to see you do that to my dragon. Not all are big softies." Astrid crossed her arms.

        "I would like to see her do it to Hookfang," Snotlout commented.

        "Wait, so you all have dragons?" You asked them. In which they all responded by smiling and letting out a loud whistle. You flinched, "What's with you guys and whistling without warning!" You complained, rubbing your ears. Loud flapping noises sounded from above before three different dragons landed by their respected owners. Fishleg's is a ... beefy brown four-legged dragon that stands close to the ground. It also has bumps covering its body and tiny wings that defy flying logic. Astrid's is a teal bird-structured (two legs, two wings), yellow-striped dragon. A crown of spines frames it head. Last but not least, Snotlout's orange dragon is the biggest of them all. With a bat like structure (walks on its two wings and 2 legs) and crooked spikes running down the length of its back ending in a frilled tail.

        "Woah," You breathed in awe.

        "Mine's the awesome Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang." Snotlout bragged. Hookfang knocked his helmet off his head. "Hey!"

        "Mine's the loving Gronckle, Meatlug. She's so sweet." Fishlegs said while Meatlug nuzzled his arm.

        "My girl Stormfly here is a Deadly Nadder." Astrid said with pride and scratched behind Stormfly's spines, making the Nadder squawk happily. You looked down and noticed that Toothless wasn't next to you anymore. Instead he was by Hiccup's side.

        "My bud Toothless is the one and only Nightfury." Hiccup smiled as Toothless playfully pushed Hiccup in his side with his head. You frowned at Hiccup's words. Though you didn't know the reason why. Maybe because Toothless being the last of his kind is a bit sad to you.

        "What's wrong?" Hiccup asked noticing your face. You shook your head.

        "Nothing," You replied. Hiccup stared at you for a moment before shrugging. Though, you noticed Astrid gave you a suspicious look out of the corner of your eye.

        "Well, why don't we give you a tour of Berk since your staying here." Hiccup clapped his hands together.

        "Till you get your memory back." Astrid added, earning a glare from Hiccup. You smiled anyway.

        "Sounds like fun!" You said with excitement.

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