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"We are now arriving in Pasadena, California. Hope you've enjoyed flying with us. Those of you going to Hawaii, please get off the plane for a brief layover for about forty minutes. Please take your things with because we'll be doing a quick cleaning. See you in forty minutes.", says the announcer.

Augie was asleep most of the time, so it was hard to get him up. So, Tapanga had to carry him off of the plane.

"Does anyone need to use the restroom before we get back on the plane?", Corey asks. "We won't get another chance until we get to Hawaii."
"Bathroom!" Angie yells.

"It's time for him to go in the big boys room." Tapanga says to Corey, "You need to take him. I'll wait here with the girls."

"Come on, Daddy." Augie wails.

"So.", Tapanga says, "Do you want something to eat?"

"Thanks, but I already ate." Maya said," I wouldn't mind sharing a pretzel or something." Looking at Riley.

When the girls come back with their pretzel, Augie and Corey come out of the restroom.

"Mommy, can I have a pretwol?" Augie says cutely.

"You can share with Maya and Riley."

"Okay! Thank you!" Augie says as pulling off a bite of the pretzel.

Corey goes up to Tapanga, "Can I have a pretzel, please?" With puppy-dog eyes.

Tapanga gives him the evil eye.

"Flight 284, please go to your gate your flight leaves in one minute."

"Mommy?" Augie asks,"Is that us?"

"Um...."Tapanga says as she digs through her purse for the tickets."YES, HURRY! WE ONLY HAVE ABOUT THIRTY SECONDS LEFT!"

Everyone hurries to the gate.

"Uh, were too late." Riley says, "We missed our flight."

"Great.",says Maya, "Now, how are we going to get there?"

Tapanga says, You no what, let's just go to the front desk, and ask for the next available flight to Honolulu.

When they arrive at the front desk, Tapanga says, "Excuse me?"

"Yes?" The secretary asks.

"So, there must've been a mistake," Tapanga continues,"We were scheduled to go on flight 284, but we missed our flight, and were wondering if there might be any available flights tonight?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, were just about to send out last flight of the day!"

"When is your next available flight?"

"That would be in....two days."

"Alright, well think about it."

"So, what are going to do until then?" Maya asks.

Corey replies, "We just have to wait here until then?"

"But, what's here to do?" Maya asks.

"Ta da!" Riley says as she pulled out her phone.

"What? Are you going to ask 'Siri'?" Maya asks playfully.

"Actually, yes.""What is here in do here in Pasadena, California?" As she spoke into her phone. "Hey! Siri isn't being a stupid head right now!"

Corey looks over her shoulder. "Oh! Look, a students history museum! We should go there!"

"Dad. I don't need to be learning history on vacation, that's why you're my teacher."

"Hey, there's a park!" Tapanga says, "That's something that we can all enjoy!"

"Park!" Augie exclaims.

"Let's just stay here for the night, and go to the park tomorrow", Corey says.

"Isn't that illegal?",Maya asks.

"Shhhh.............",Corey says.

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry that it's kind of slow, but I was able to make it longer. Don't fall out of your seat yet because there will be some drama coming soon. It will be kind of confusing at first. Here's a hint, it has to do with Lucus/Wes. Please comment your rating from 1-10, 10, you strongly love it!

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