Chapter Nine

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Riley's POV
We were invited to stay with the Bennets' house. It was so not my idea, because Avery is so annoying, saying, "Oh, 'Wes' is just too old for you, and you're not smart enough. You don't even know what true love even is." While I'm just sitting here like, "Oh, shush."

I get a message from Lucas.

LF: Again, I'm so sorry about Avery.

RM: Well, you should be, you said that I am the only one you have ever loved.

LF: Riley, you know that I begged my parents to move to New York to start my whole life over.

I don't reply anything after this. "He does have a point." I think to myself.

Maya wakes up. "What are you doing?" She asks me.

"Texting Lucas." I respond.

"Well, go to sleep. You don't want to go over your limit. Mr. Matthews will take your phone away." "Although, that would be perfectly fine Maya mumbles to herself.


It's morning, and Avery's mom is inviting us to come to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Hey, Riley!" Ellen greets me as I enter the kitchen. "So, have you gotten to get to know Avery?"

"Oh yeah, I did." I think to myself. I finally manage to say, "Yeah, she's cool." Not really.

"Well, that's great, because I was talking to your parents last day before you wet to bed, and we all decided to sign you and Avery up for helping out at the mall with Santa and his elves!

"Yay!" I fake smile.

"I knew that you would love it!" Ellen says as she gives me a squeeze hug.

I tell Maya to come to Sumner Park with me after breakfast.
Maya POV
"So, Riley, you wanted to see me?

"Yes, Maya, okay so, Ellen, Avery's mom was talking to me this morning, and she said that she, Bennet, and my parents supposedly agreed that Avery and I became like best friends or something, and we were signed up to help with Santa and his elves at the mall."

"What's wrong with that? Don't you like helping others?"

"I do like helping others, but did you just zone me out or something? Avery is going to help also!"


"Avery is evil! Didn't you already know that?"

"Okay, easy there, Riley. I know that you don't really care for Avery, but you're just going to do what you like most. Helping Santa and the elves, with the younger kids."

"You're right, Maya. I can do this. This is for the kids."

"Good." I say.
A/N: Thanks for reading, everyone! I know that I say this every time when I update any one of my stories. And please comment 'update' or 'update please', or something along those lines because A, I like comments, and B, I gives me motivation to write more, and to update. And I also have to give credit for my motivation to my friend, Syd6713. She comes over to my house like every weekend (since she just lives across the street) ,and we will get on Wattpad, like we are doing now. So, please go check out her page.

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