Well ain't that a bitch...

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That no good, lying son of a bitch. Helping his grandmother my ass!

My night out with the girls at a downtown bar took a bad turn when all of the sudden in walks my no good, cheating ass of a boyfriend. Only I didn't know he was a no-good cheating ass. My dumbass thought he was a good guy who loved me. Oh, how naive I was.

The night started quiet. I was at home, not planning on doing anything other than curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and a good dose of female porn in the form of the book that I'm currently reading. But then my phone went off with a text from Kate. She sent a message to our group chat.

Everybody get dressed, I feel like dancing!

After a quick shower, blow-dry, and some makeup, here we are two hours later. Emma, Kate, Millie, and I are on the dance floor laughing and having a good time when all of a sudden Millie stops and grabs my arm. "Lily, Steven is here."

I smile and start to turn thinking that Steven has somehow figured out where we went for the night and decided to surprise me. Oh, how wrong I was.

Steven isn't alone. He has some blonde woman hanging all over him. The smile on his face along with his arm around her waist shows that he doesn't mind. It takes a moment for my mind to fully process what it is I'm looking at. Steven told me he was spending the weekend in Indiana helping his grandmother pack up her things for her move here to Cincinnati so she'll be closer to family. So why am I now staring at him as he pulls, Miss Legs for Days, close to him as he goes in for a kiss? A kiss that looks way hotter than any kiss he has ever given me!

Before I know it my feet are on the move. I vaguely recall hearing Emma say. "Oh, shit." But I just keep moving. Before I know it I'm standing in front of Steven.

"What the fuck?" Are the only words I can piece together in my current state of shock. Steven turns to me and just stares wide-eyed for a minute. He's smart enough to release the blonde, whose tonsils he was just inspecting with his tongue, but he still has no words. I feel the girls behind me. One of them puts their hand on my arm to let me know they're there. I feel the rage and the hurt building inside me.

Steven finally speaks. "Lily, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well no shit, asshole."

"So this is Lily? I would have thought she would be prettier." This is from the blonde standing next to Steven. I give her the deadliest look I can and Steven steps in between us.

"Look, Lily, I'm sorry you had to find out this way but things just aren't working out between us. I know you have a lot going on and I've tried being supportive but I need to do what makes me happy.

I see red. "Two years, Steven! We've been together two fucking years and this is how you choose to end it?" I'm yelling now and there's a crowd forming around us. "You couldn't give me the courtesy of telling me before I find you with some bitch named Brittany in a damn bar!" I move forward like I'm going to kill him because honestly, that's what I want to do at this very moment. However, before I can reach him, I feel something around my waist, and then I'm being lifted off my feet and carried away. My back's pressed against something solid and I'm kicking and screaming. "I swear to god Steven I will rip your goddamn balls off, you piece of shit!"

Suddenly I'm outside and whoever grabbed me is still holding onto me tight. "Get your hands off me!"

In my ear I hear, "Do you promise to not rip anyone's balls off if I do?" I shake my head, yes, and I'm lowered to the ground. I just stand there for a moment and I try to get my bearings as my heart beats incredibly fast. I know that voice.

I turn slowly and it takes a minute for my eyes to find his face. He's almost a foot taller than me at, six one. His hair is dark and has that sexy just rolled out of bed look. His face is covered with a dark five o'clock shadow. He's filled out some. He was always lean growing up but now he has just the right amount of muscle in all the right places. But it's his gorgeous blue eyes that instantly take me back to the countless nights spent in his arms.

The man standing in front of me is the love of my life, Oliver Scott. And the last time I saw him was seven years ago when I ripped his heart out.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoy the journey of Lily and Oliver. There will be a whole lot of tears and laughter along the way. Let me know what you think.

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