Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

  A few days passed by and the Doctor continued to monitor Rachel. Janette stayed by her side almost the entire time, and the Holts took turns staying with her.  They sat by her side waiting for the moment her blue eyes would open up, they waited for her to smile her bright smile and laugh her melodious laugh.

Three days after the accident Jakob stopped by to see how she were doing. He walked into the room and sent Janette a small smile.

She looked up at him and went to greet him, “It’s good to see you Jake, I am in great need of a small nap if you don’t mind just sitting here with her. The nurse has tried to get me to leave her side but I just can’t make myself leave her with a stranger, whether it’s a nurse or not.”

 Jakob gave her a small hug and smiled, “I understand, please go home and rest I will call you if anything happens.”

Janette patted his cheek, “The Doctor will come in soon to check on her, if he says anything important please call me.”

Jakob nodded in agreement before shooing her off to get some rest.  Rachel was the same as she had been since he first saw her. The bruises were slightly darker, but she also seemed to be getting more color. Jakob sat in the hard chair that was seated next to her bed.

“Hey Rachel,” Jakob whispered to her as he held her hand, “I brought you some flowers. I hope you like them, you see…” Rachel’s index finger seemed to twitch underneath Jakob’s grasp. He jerked his hand away in surprise and stared at her face, “Are you awake?” he managed to stutter out. Her left hand lifted slightly in response. Was she waking up? Jakob jerked out of his seat and stuck his head out into the hall.

“Hey! Can we get a doc in here?” he called out before rushing back into the room. He didn’t want to miss the moment Rachel opened her eyes. He wanted to be right there when her blue eyes opened for the first time.

Doctor Liddell rushed into the room with his nurse behind him, “What’s going on?” he asked urgently.

“Her finger twitched!” Jakob exclaimed in excitement.

Doctor Liddell moved over to Rachel and looked over her. He carefully ran his hands over her face and she let out a loud moan

“Rachel?” he questioned excitedly.

Rachel’s eyes fluttered open and she turned her head from side to side, “Who are you?”She questioned; her voice hoarse.

“Rachel, I am Doctor Liddell. You were in a car accident, what do you remember?”

“I remember headlights shining in my face, I thought the car was just passing by, but it didn’t pass by it hit me.” She opened her eyes some more and looked shocked, “Why can’t I open my eyes?” she asked nervously.

Doctor Liddell looked over at Jakob and narrowed his eyes, “What do you mean?”

“I mean I can’t open my eyes! I keep thinking I am opening them, but it’s all so dark.” A few tears spilled onto her cheeks.

Jakob took a couple steps towards her, but the Doctor stopped him instead. “Rachel I am going to check out your eyes really quickly, okay?”

Rachel nodded and reached her hands over the side of the bed, “I hear someone else breathing, who is there?”  She turned her head, her blue eyes fell onto Jakob’s face and he smiled. “Who is there?” she asked her voice raising.

Jakob stared straight into her eyes, they were staring right at him, but they held no emotion. There was no smile behind them, just confusion.

The Doctor turned to his nurse and whispered something urgently to her, “Rachel, it’s just your brother. Can you not see him?”

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