Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

  August sat down in the waiting room with a loud sigh. They had been there for at least two hours now, and there was still no word on Rachel. The whole scene was becoming all too familiar. Jakob had disappeared and had not yet made a reappearance, which made him worry. He had an idea where Jakob was, and he had been desperately trying to call him. His calls were always directed to voice mail.

   August ran his hand through his brown curls. If Jakob showed up at the hospital drunk he vowed he would punch him himself.  Jakob had no right to show up drunk, especially after everything that had happened.

Doctor Liddell walked in the room. His face showed no emotion, but August sensed something was very wrong.

Janette looked up to see him walk in and she immediately jumped up, “How is she? What’s going on?”

“Mrs. Haynes please take a seat,” He led her over to where August and Victoria were seated. And they both sat down. “Rachel has been diagnosed with what we call Retinal detachment.”

Janette leaned forward and grasped her knees tightly, “What does that mean?”

“It means that Rachel has lost her vision.”

August felt as if his heart had literally dropped inside his chest.

“Oh no,” Janette leaned into her hands and let out a small sob, “No!”

“I am so sorry Miss Haynes, “Doctor Liddell leaned forward and please a hand on her shaking shoulders.

Janette raised her head and wiped away her tears, “Don’t be sorry Doctor, she is alive. She is alive and she is with us still! We need to look on the bright side of things.”

Victoria squeezed her friends shoulder affectionately, “That we do darling. Rachel is here with us in flesh.”

The Doctor smiled at the two women and turned his attention to August was staring quietly at the floor.

“Where is your brother son?” he asked

August met his gaze and sighed, “I don’t know, he disappeared.”

“How long have they been together?”

August let out a small laugh, “They aren’t dating.”

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and chuckled, “They aren’t dating? Well, I would’ve never guessed. Well, when he re appear can you send him to see me? I would like to talk to him. I am on break in ten minutes.”

August smiled and nodded and the doctor turned towards Janette. “Here is the number to the optometrists; she is going to go over a few different things. If you have any questions feel free to ask her.”

Janette shook the doctor’s hand and gave him a polite smile, “Thank you Doctor.”

He held his hand up and returned her smile, “Please call me Jason, I will let you talk to Doctor Sanders and then we shall discuss when Rachel will be released.”

Janette smiled, “Thank you again Jason.”

Jason got up and turned around briefly, “She is in room 202 with Doctor Sanders.”

Janette stood up and walked down the hall towards Rachel’s room.

Victoria turned towards August and sighed, “Where is your brother?”

“I don’t know Mom, he walked out we got into an argument.”

Victoria huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, “An argument about what August?”

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