Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The Holts stayed a while more before returning home. Janette gave Rachel a kiss and retired to her bed.

   Rachel flipped through a few of the channels, not really paying any attention to what was on. She was waiting to hear from someone to confirm Jakob had made it home safely. She fully understood that he was capable of taking care of himself and making his own decisions, but she couldn’t help but worry about him. Twenty-two or not he was still a male, and he still made poor decisions.

  Her phone went off; piercing the silence. Rachel jumped up and ran across the living room to retrieve it.

“Hello?” she answered; keeping her voice low.

“Hey Rachel, its August. You’re still waiting up?” August asked; his voice sounding drowsy.

Rachel understood what he was asking and sighed, “Yeah, I can’t help it; is he home?” she asked eagerly.

August sighed from his end of the line, “No Ray, he is not. You know he is an adult and is fully capable of taking care of himself,” he let out a small chuckle.

Rachel rolled her eyes partly at herself for acting like a worried mother, and partly at August for finding it funny that she cared so much. “I know August, I know. You know what?  I am just going to let you go to sleep now, you sound tired.”

August chuckled again, “Okay Rachel, I think you should get some rest also. It’s nearly one in the morning, don’t worry about Jake.”

Rachel nodded her head slightly, “Okay, Oh hey August when you see Jakob tell him to check in with me, you know just so I don’t worry too much. Oh and August?”

“Yes, Rachel?” August asked; in a tired voice.

Rachel smiled timidly, “Don’t tell Jakob I am worried about him, we don’t want to um- boost his ego too much.”

August laughed loudly, “Okay Rachel okay, I’ll catch you later”

“Good- bye August,” Rachel hung up the phone and set it on the coffee table.

     She was really grateful for August, he always seemed to talk sense into her; something she needed in a friend. In some ways she was actually closer to August then she was to Jakob. Though Jakob cared for Rachel it was August who was there with her constantly, August was the one who stuck by her side when her Father passed away from cancer a couple of years ago. August was the one who had called to check up on her daily when she broke her leg playing basketball, he was the one who constantly offered her spiritual encouragement. So what was her attraction in Jakob when it was August who was always there? That was the question Rachel was constantly asking God, but ever since she had first gotten saved she had felt strongly that Jakob was the one.  Creepy as it may sound, she was completely convinced and started praying for Jakob. She had been praying for him for four years now. Things didn’t seem to get any better, but she wouldn’t let herself be discouraged she had faith that God was in control of everything, and she would not quit praying for Jakob.

      She sighed and looked up at the clock; 2:30. She couldn’t wait up any longer. Rachel pulled herself off the couch and trudged her way up the stairs.  She slipped into her pajamas and turned off her light; climbing under the covers she closed her heavy eyes and breathed in the scent of her newly washed sheets. The smell of laundry detergent had to be her biggest weakness, she was known for smelling random people due to catching a whiff of their detergent while passing by them. It was one of her many quirks.

     She smiled slightly and sunk deeper into her warm bed.  A loud knock on the front door jerked her out of her sleep. Rachel glanced at the clock; three AM. Who in the world could be at their door this early?  Unless it was a burglar? Rachel gasped; Oh my gosh it was a burglar! He was coming to rob them! She sat up and looked around her room for any weapon of defense. Her eyes landed on her textbook; it would have to do. The person knocked on the door again. Rachel swung her legs over the side of the bed. She would just have to threaten him to leave; there was no other choice. Her mother was a ridiculously heavy sleeper so there was no way she would ever wake up.  It was up to Rachel.

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