Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jakob woke up with a killer head ache; he sat up not knowing where he was. Pain immediately filled his head and he groaned. What happened last night? He thought back, but could remember nothing whatsoever. He glanced around the room, was he at the Haynes house? He looked down at the red couch he was laying on. He was at their house, but why was he here?

A little snort sounded from beneath him and he peeked over the edge of the couch. Rachel lay there fast asleep, her straight blonde hair fanned out around her. Her arm was tossed over her eyes and in her other hand was a....pot? Nausea spread over him quickly and he suddenly remembered; he had gone to a party last night. His stomach turned and he quickly snatched the pot out of Rachel's hand accidently waking her up. Gosh, how much did he drink last night?

Rachel moaned and rolled over to face him, "You okay?" she asked her voice drowsy.

He set the pot down and wiped his brow with the back of his hand, "I feel like crap," he answered lying back down on the couch.

"Well, yeah! I would be incredibly surprised if you didn't." Rachel stood up and folded her blanket. She then walked into the kitchen to fetch him some water and Tylenol. "Take this; it should help a little bit."

Jakob squinted his eyes up at her and nodded in thanks. He swallowed the pills quickly and closed his eyes tightly, "How did I end up here last night?" he asked Rachel.

Rachel shook her head and sighed, "I have no idea. You were knocking on my door at three in the morning. Do you remember anything?"

Jakob shook his head, "I don't remember a thing except showing up at Dawson's, I mean I remember I had a couple of beers but that about all."

Rachel chuckled humorlessly, "You had more than just a couple of beers."

Jakob groaned, "Gosh, Ray I am so sorry! I had no idea what I was doing. I shouldn't have showed up and bothered you last night."

Rachel smiled softly, "Don't worry about it Jake, but please promise me you won't let it happen again. I can't see you when you are so drunk, it really hurts me."

Jakob sighed, he had heard this so many times from his parents, now hearing it from Rachel it made him angry, "I am a grown man Rachel I can do what I want."

Rachel lifted her head to meet his brown eyes, "I know Jakob, but God says-"

Jakob stood up cutting her off, "I don't care what God says! Have I not already made that clear? I will live my life the way I feel fit, not by some person's little book."

Rachel felt herself lose all patience at Jakob's harsh words, "He is not just some person you can talk bad about Jakob! He is the creator of the universe, he created you, he created me, and he has blessed us in so many ways! Our job on the earth is to glorify him with all that we are, and to make his name great!"

Jakob groaned, "I don't care what you believe Rachel, I refuse to believe in some petty little God."

Rachel growled, "He is not petty or little!" she yelled at him.

Jakob shot out of his seat and out the front door; he had grown up his whole life listening to his family and the people around him preach to him, trying to tell him how he was expected to live his life. That just wouldn't cut it. He should be allowed to live his life however he wanted to; without the pressure of having to serve some God.

Jakob strutted out the front door and stopped at the edge of the driveway; where the heck was his car? He reached in his pockets in search for his car keys; nothing. He huffed and ran his hand through his thick brown hair. He had to either swallow his pride and request a ride from Rachel, or he would have to walk the ten-mile trek back to his house. Walking the ten-miles sounded a whole lot easier than having to humble himself and ask for help. Jakob's head let out another shot of pain reminding him that he was in no shape to walk home, due to his killer hangover. That left him no choice but to go face Rachel.

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