Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Rachel listened as Jakob’s footsteps became fainter. She shouldn’t have brought up God right then, but she just couldn’t help it. After all that had happened with her she couldn’t help but have hope Jakob would have had a change of heart, but it didn’t seem like he did. If anything it seemed as if his heart was even harder.

“God why do this to me if you aren’t even going to save someone?” she prayed aloud.

She heard the faint creak of the door opening up followed by the squeaking of sneakers across the tile floor.

“I think sometimes God does things for reasons we don’t know.” August said as he took his seat next to Rachel.

“I thought I knew why he did. When I first woke up I was mad, I mean I was furious, but then I started thinking and praying and I thought maybe God would use this to bring Jakob to him? I mean it made perfect sense.”

August bit his bottom lip and nodded thoughtfully, “don’t doubt God just yet.’

Rachel let out a small laugh as she played with the rough edge of her sheet, “Gosh, I can’t wait to lay in my own bed. These sheets are starting to get stuffy.”

August chuckled, “I hate to break it to you but you’ve still got one more night in this stuffy bed.”

Rachel threw her head back and faked a groan, “Don’t remind me!”

The two continued to laugh and joke for the rest of the evening. Every now and then the nurse would poke her head in to check on them only to laugh along with them.  Night time came quickly and Janette came in to relieve August.

“I will see you tomorrow?” he asked Rachel as he made his way over to the door.

“Totally, I expect you to bring lots of soda and eggplant. I never got to eat my eggplant parmesan.”

Janette’s face paled and she forced out a small smile. “I will be right back Rachel.” She followed August out into the hall, “Thank you for staying with her, it means a lot. I am afraid I am not as happy and relaxed as she is. This seems to be taking more of a toll on me than her.”

“Rachel is very strong. I understand how this effecting you, but we have to remember God is in control. You know I sort of expected to walk in the room and see someone devastated and ready to give up, but she was smiling and talking about God just as she always did.

Janette smiled faintly, “It baffles me that’s for sure, but you are right God is in good.’ She took a deep breath and continued,   “So I got off the phone with the police, they think they may have caught the suspect from the crash.”

August eyes widened, “Wow! I mean that’s good isn’t it?”

Janette shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest, “Yes, it is good. They have a few more steps until they can prove it was him, but when they do we go to court.”

“So do they still suspect drunk driving?”

“That’s what they are saying; I mean there is no other explanation. He was driving on the other side of the road.”

August sighed, he hoped they would be able to prove it was him; He wanted nothing more than that guy to go straight to prison, especially after what he did to Rachel.

“August, I know that look. I know what you are thinking but we need to think of it as Jesus would. I think we should love this man even though what he did was unacceptable.”

“Are you saying he shouldn’t go to prison for what he did?” August asked confused.

Janette shook her hand and raised her hand, “Oh no! That’s not what I am saying at all, what I am saying is we shouldn’t look at this from the revenge standpoint, you know? Don’t let revenge cloud your vision.”

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