Chapter 8

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  Chapter 8

“We bring food!” August shouted as he ran the hot rolls into the kitchen.

“August Xavier slow down!” Victoria called as she stuck the sodas onto the counter in front of them.

Janette laughed and shook her head at August’s energy.  Jakob came in followed by Thomas. August ran up stairs and came back down with a confused look on his face, “Where’s Ray?” he asked Janette.

Janette smiled and looked at Jakob, “Rachel went to go get eggplant from the store. She should be back any minute now she left about an hour ago.” Janette glanced up at the clock with a worried expression.

Jakob shook his head and smiled, “I am sure she got caught in traffic or something.”

Janette glanced at the front door and swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, “Oh yes, that’s most likely where she is. You know us mothers tend to worry more than needed.”

“Oh yes we do!” Victoria nodded as she gave her friends shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Jakob nodded and anxiously sat down at the bar. The women did their usual scurrying around the kitchen and Thomas picked up his favorite sports magazine.

August plopped down in the seat next to Jakob and let out a bored sigh, “it’s weird not having Ray here. She better get here soon.”

Jakob stared at the front door and offered a distracted nod producing a laugh from August, “Dude don’t fret over apologizing to her she’s going to forgive you. You have the flowers right?”

Jakob pointed in the hallway where a purple vase sat holding the dozen crisp white roses.

August shrugged, “Then you are all set! Really man, just keep it cool.”

“I’m trying!” Jakob exclaimed in frustration.

August held his hands up and backed away, “You may need to try harder.”

The phone started ringing loudly making Jakob jump. “Thomas could you please get that, it’s probably Rachel!” Janette called out from the other room.

Thomas jumped up from his chair and made his way over to the phone. Jakob watched as his father picked up the phone to answer.

“Hello?” Thomas answered, as he smiled brightly. Jakob watched his father closely. Thomas’s face lost all color and he seemed to grasp the phone tightly, as if holding on for dear life.

His voice trembled and he nervously stared towards where Janette and Victoria were, “How bad is it?” he asked gasping for breath.  Jakob’s shoulder tensed and he nervously looked over at August, who was gripping the edge of the counter.

Thomas nodded slowly, “where is she? Okay we are on our way.” He hung up the phone ignoring his sons questioning glances; He ran into the kitchen and grabbed Janette’s shoulder, turning her around to face him.

“Thomas what is it?” she asked taking in his pale face and teary eyes.

“Janette we need to go to the hospital now, its Rachel she’s been in a terrible car accident.” Thomas’s lip trembled as he tried to keep his tears from overflowing.

“Oh God,” Janette fell into Thomas’s shoulders and grasped her head in her hands.

Jakob jumped out of his seat and rushed over to take Janette from His father’s arms, “We need to go now.”

August followed behind him and grabbed the keys off of the hook, his own tears were threatening to spill over, but he refused to lose control now.

Victoria grasped her husband’s shoulders and followed her boys out into the car.

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