Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

 Jakob laid Rachel down on the couch; she cringed as pain shot through her ribs. Amazingly she had not hurt her ribs worse, though she knew they would most likely throb for a few days.

“That was your mom Ray, I told her to continue with her errands and that there was nothing for her to worry about.” August said as he took a seat in the recliner next to her.

Rachel nodded and squeezed her eyes shut to try to stop the throbbing. Ever since the accident her head had been aching, as had the rest of her body. Her whole body throbbed in unison.

Jakobs voice sounded from right above her head, “Can I get you any pain medicine? The guys said you could take more pain medicine.”

Rachel smiled a little at the worried tone in his voice, “Actually just a glass of water would be good.” Her smiled widened as she heard his footsteps shuffling away. She appreciated how he suddenly seemed to care.

“That was a major fall Ray.” August teased from next to her, “You have to be like superwoman for remaining unharmed!” He chuckled a bit.

“I did survive a major car accident didn’t I? I am now invincible!” She threw her arms out dramatically; grimacing as her hand came in contact with the edge of the table. She rubbed her hand tenderly and chuckled, “Okay maybe I have a few weaknesses” They both laughed loudly, something that was much needed.

Jakob walked into the room to see Rachel; her head thrown back in laughter. Her laughter was light and comforting to him. He couldn’t help but smile along as he set a coaster next to her.

“What are you two goofballs laughing at?” He asked playfully.

August tilted his towards the giggling Rachel, “Miss clumsy over here.”

Rachel let out a snort and threw her hand up defensively, “I can’t help it!”

“Here is your water Ray.” Jakob held the cup out and made sure she got a good grip of it before letting go.

“Thanks Jake,” she said smiling at him. Jakob smiled back.

Rachel placed her finger in the glass to determine how full it was and then brought it to her lips. The last thing she needed was to spill water all over herself. She wanted to be independent not have people scurrying around trying to do everything for her. The first step to being independent was proving that she could be.  That she was capable of doing everything she once did before.

August cleared his throat and slouched into his chair, “What should we do now? I am bored.”

Jakob shot his younger brother a glare, “I am very happy with just sitting here I think we have had enough action and adventure for one day.”

August squirmed in his seat and sighed dramatically, “Rachel do you need anything?”

Rachel rubbed her throbbing temple; the doctor said she would probably have headaches after all the trauma she had been through. “I am fine, thanks for the offer.” She forced a smile, and hoped it would fool August. It must have because the next thing she knew he was snoring loudly. She tilted her head towards the area where she assumed Jakob was. What was he doing now?

  She imagined his intense brown eyes. Were they staring at her as they used to? What was he thinking about? Was his mind filled with thoughts of her as hers was filled with thoughts of him? She lightly shook her head and held in a scoff. Why would he ever be obsessing over her? He probably had tons of beautiful girls to choose from, ones that weren’t blind. She felt tears threatening to spill over and she wiped at them furiously as she cleared her throat loudly. Gosh, please don’t let him notice me. She pleaded silently.

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