Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Everyone stood silently watching Jakob.

“Why Hellloooo Miss Holly,” he said draping his arm around one of the older ladies, “Don’t you look beautiful.”

Rachel’s eyes widened tremendously and she didn’t miss a beat. She darted across the room towards Jakob. She grabbed his elbow and led him towards the door as swiftly as possible.

“Ray, I just got here,” He slurred; attempting to pull his elbow out of her grasp. Rachel could barely contain her anger.

“What are you thinking?” she asked him once outside; her voice strangely calm.

“I came to party!” Jakob exclaimed with a laugh.

Rachel opened her mouth to reprimand him, but eyes fell onto his white car; it was parked in the middle of the front yard.

“Oh my gosh,” she whispered under her breath, “Jakob did- did you drive here?” she asked in shock.

Jakob smiled and pulled a pair of keys out of his pocket.

“You could’ve killed someone!” She shouted, “You could’ve killed yourself! Oh my gosh, how did you not get pulled over?”

Jakob didn’t answer, as August was strutting towards him.


As soon as Rachel had pulled Jakob out of the house the muttering started.

“Was that a Holt boy?”

“I think it was. Was he drunk?”

Thomas had darted off of the couch and was heading towards the door; his fists clenched tightly by his side. August ran in front of him and stuck a hand out. “Stay here, I will take him home.” He slipped out of the front door and made his ways towards Jakob and Rachel.

 Rachel’s face was extremely pale, and Jakob simply swayed back and forth smiling. August felt the anger burning through him. His older brother had caused everyone nothing but pain. August had learned to just deal with it. He had been nothing but patient with him, but this was the last straw.

He approached Jakob and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt bringing Jakob’s face close to his own, “What the heck were you thinking?” He yelled as he pulled Jakob forward. Jakob coughed and the strong smell of alcohol threw August off guard.

Rachel pried Jakobs shirt out of Augusts hand and stood between them, “August, he’s drunk. Leave him alone tonight, it’s not like he will remember anything you say.”

August took a few steps back surprised. She wasn’t defending him this time, she wasn’t making any excuses.  Her voice was strangely monotone, lacking almost all emotion. Usually there was sad tone, but he heard no emotion whatsoever.  August sent Rachel a puzzled look. She reached into Jakob’s pocket and tossed August some keys.

“He drove,” she said.  The realization hit August like a ton of bricks. Jakob had driven and he was drunk. August, now even more furious, grabbed the back of Jakob’s shirt and pulled him towards the car.

Jakob looked straight into Rachel’s eyes and sighed, “I’m sorry Ray,” he said.

Rachel shook her head and tried to contain her tears, “Do me a favor and never talk to me again.” She turned on her heel and walked into the house. Not turning around once to look back.

August threw Jakob into the back seat and closed his door. He hopped not his seat and turned on the engine, “You really messed up this time man,” he said.

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