Drew heard his door open very suddenly. Danny was standing there, once more, looking very shaken.

"Did--did you hear?" He asked, not looking into Drew's eyes. Drew supposed that Danny might've felt guilty for not caring about Laura--and for even cheating on her...

"Yeah... did... did Laura die too?" Drew quietly asked, emphasizing the word 'die'. He seriously hoped that Laura had been at most injured, and wasn't dead like his own wife. Even if Laura's life held no benefit to Drew he still cared for her safety.

"Are you okay, Drew?" Danny asked, in a soft and caring voice.

It almost seemed as if... Danny was more concerned for Drew than his dead wife.

'No, that can't be right.'

Drew nodded, "I'm fine..."

'Should I really feel fine in this situation?'

Drew honestly couldn't tell if he was devastated or if he just didn't give a fuck about his cheating wife.

"Sir?" He heard, over the phone that was still held in his hand. It was the employee from Silversea Cruises--he had forgotten to hang up.

"Sorry. I forgot to hang up," he said to the employee, before pressing the bright red button on his screen, and ending the call.

"Uhm, I got a package... again..." Danny said, reminded of the bottles of wine he had received the other day. "Not fan mail. Apparently Laura was sending this when she was on the cruise.... before she died."

Drew's eyes widened. 'Is this Laura's last gift to Danny?'

"There was this envelope in it, it has your name on it," Danny sighed, handing a plain envelope to Drew.

"Thanks, Danny," Drew slowly said. He felt as if he spoke too loudly or too quickly, Danny would break into pieces. Or maybe Drew himself would break into pieces. He wasn't quite sure.

"Alright, I'm gonna open this in my room. Good night," Danny waved goodbye, exiting the room.

Drew nervously opened his letter, only to be shocked by what it said.

'Dear bitch Drew,

       I know what you've been doing with my husband you manwhore. Don't feel too safe in my house, you little shit. Even if you lock the doors and close the windows I can still see you. I see you right now, reading this letter, and I bet in a few hours you'll kiss my husband again. Well at least I fucked your wife... a few times. Don't get too comfy. xoxo

Laura '

'What... what is this?' Danny thought to himself. Why was Laura coming off so creepy? He really didn't feel safe, even knowing that Laura was six feet under...!

Meanwhile, Danny was sat in the large, comfy chair in his bedroom. He had bought it just before the pandemic and it happened to be slightly cheaper than usual.

On the table, was the contents of the package he had opened, well, besides the letter to Drew. He wasn't quite sure why she had sent a letter to Drew, but meh. 'She better not be hitting on him.'

The first item was a small jar. There seemed to be a photograph inside of it, but because of the small, tight lid, he couldn't get the photograph out to look at it.

The second item was a... fake, dollar-store looking eye. It was still deemed creepy by Danny, which resulted in him strongly wanting to throw it out.

The third item was a CD. It was Laura and Danny's love song, which the latter thought was an odd thing to send. As if she knew it was her final gift? Just what had Laura been planning...

And the fourth, and final item, was a letter.

'Dear Danny,
       How have you been, honey? Amanda and I have been having a really nice time on the cruise, it's a shame the two of us didn't go together. It would've been so fun! The trip ends next Saturday, so it won't be long till we're together again! I wish we could do this again, but I don't think that will happen. I hope you're having a lovely time with Drew! Amanda said hi! xoxo


The letter, albeit sweet to Danny, felt odd. As if it was disingenuous. It really was, if you were to compare it with Drew's letter, not that Danny could. The only thing that really phased Danny, though, was how she seemingly knew that something would happen to her.

'Just what were you planning,' Danny thought to himself, sighing.

Hope you're all staying safe!

Wiggle (Drew Gooden x Danny Gonzalez)Where stories live. Discover now