The Wives

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Laura looked at Amanda, breathing heavily.

She couldn't believe they actually did that.

She felt scandalous. This was so taboo.

But she also felt a new emotion.


Would her husband catch her? That was the fun!

She had never felt this way with Danny, not even when they first met. It was a shame, he had a large following on YouTube...

But... Amanda was also married. To Drew Gooden. That man. The one that also wanted her husband.

Was she feeling possessive over someone she had no right over? Maybe. But that didn't matter. They were married.

And yes, she saw the way Drew longingly stared at Danny. It was infuriating. How could a man feel such... such evil emotions towards a married man?!

It made Laura want to rip his eyes out, just so they wouldn't glow with love for her husband.

That color...

It was a similar shade to baby blue as Danny had... they were pretty.

The thought disgusted Laura. Those eyes were evil. Drew was evil.

He had to be purged.

Maybe she could add his eyes to her collection.

"Laura...?" Amanda murmured, obviously tired. "It's okay honey, sleep," Laura comfortingly stroked Amanda's hair, lulling her to sleep.

'The main thing about the husbands is their online following, no?' Laura thought.

'Then if they die... nothing bad will happen to Amanda and I... we'll be widowed...' Laura smiles maniacally.

'Drew is first.'

Her grin grew from ear to ear, as she almost moaned in pleasure, excited to hear his screams of pain.

'Drew Gooden will regret ever meeting my husband...' Laura bit on her hand. Hard. It was the only way to stifle the thunderous laugh she had coming on. She tasted iron. Blood.

She dragged herself to the bathroom.

There was a huge gash in her hand, obviously a bite. It didn't bring about any feelings of dissatisfaction—it served as a memoir for this monument in her life.

She slowly applied disinfectant on the wound, frustrated at the pleasure she was feeling. She felt so conflicted.

After she disinfected the wound, she wrapped a white bandage around her hand.

'All better!' She thought.

Now all she needed was a plan.

A plan to kill Drew Gooden.

— — — — —

The boy woke up, feeling groggy. It was... 3:12 a.m.

His usual wake up time. Maybe not healthy, but his sleeping schedule usually got messed up during summer break.

His computer screen was still on.

A faint blue bar glowed on the screen.

He rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the light.

Someone had messaged him. "Who is on at this time...?" He mumbled, sitting down at his desk. He opened the message, seeing the username. 'NotLaura'. Weird name, but okay...

He quietly read the email aloud.

"Hello. I am Laura, Danny Gonzalez's wife," he began. 'Oh no... is she gonna tell me off for my theories?'

He continued. "Drew Gooden is getting in the way," what? "I'd like you to... take care of him."

He texted back, making sure to use proper grammar (he had to impress Laura!). "Hello, Laura! I'm a big fan (lmao). What do you mean Drew is 'in the way'?"

Immediately, he received a response. "He wants Danny. He can't have Danny. Get rid of him, or I'll get rid of you."

'... is this chick crazy?'

But, the boy felt a shiver down his spine. He knew she wasn't kidding around. Somehow, he felt she would "get rid of him" if he didn't get rid of Drew.

He gulped, and typed out a message in response. "Okay."

Was this a new beginning for him?

Or was it an early end?

Wiggle (Drew Gooden x Danny Gonzalez)Where stories live. Discover now