Cruise Ship

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"Hmm?" Danny mumbled, as his wife, Laura talked to him. She was going on about some cruise-ship, detox session that Amanda was going on. She was heavily hinting that she wanted to go as well.

"Doesn't that sound fun?" She smiled, inwardly just wanting to spend time with Amanda. Danny, obviously unaware of his wife's underlying intentions, nodded.

"Yeah, do you wanna go?" Danny asked her, already knowing she did want to go. "Of course, but can we afford that?" She remembered the last time she wanted to do something like this, but they couldn't afford it. Of course, that was when it was for both of them, and when Danny only had 100,000 subscribers.

"Mm-hmm," Danny replies, unknowingly to even himself looking forward to being away from his wife. Laura hugged him, a smile evident in her voice, "Thanks, babe!"

Danny sighed as she walked to the bedroom. Now he'd be left alone in the house for... 3 weeks. He was used to this treatment though; Laura often traveled and some family members would hint at her being a gold digger. 'Nah, she just likes the finer stuff in life,' is what Danny would tell himself.

"Drew would never leave me..." He softly mumbled to himself, before realizing what he said. 'What?!' His cheeks heated up, as he remembered the kind treatment he had received from Drew. His Drew? He tested the thought in his head, before realizing how weird he was acting.

'You're married, Danny!' He scolded himself internally.

"Hey, hun?" He heard Laura yell from the bedroom. "Amanda just texted me, is it okay with you if Drew stays here? I'm okay with it if you are!"

'Drew, and I... alone?' His thoughts slowly drifted. He shook his head, trying to berid himself of him 'bad' thoughts.

"Yeah, tell them he can stay over here!" Danny responded, hiding his embarrassed tone with loudness.

Little did Danny know, that Laura was also embarrassed. She had been talking to her Amanda, and was trying to come up with a way to get rid of their husbands peacefully. Laura first suggested getting rid of them, but Amanda immediately shot her down, going for a more peaceful solution.

And that went along the lines of trying to set their husbands up together. Make them break up with Amanda and Laura. It seemed easy enough; Amanda could see the blushing glances Drew shot at Danny, and Laura noticed how Danny's eyes lingered on Drew for a second too long.

And this cruise ship also gave Laura and Amanda time to... bond. It seemed like a win-win, in their eyes.

They just hoped Danny and Drew would spend some time bonding without them.

Wiggle (Drew Gooden x Danny Gonzalez)Where stories live. Discover now