A Change of Plans?

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Drew stared down at his phone screen, an odd mix of emotions present deep in his gut. He had already realized his feelings for Danny, and he was aware Danny also had some amount of romantic feelings toward him.

But did that mean he could do that?

Drew was debating canceling his plans to go home, and to live with Danny.

'Well, there's no use debating over whether or not Danny would reject me... may as well go ask him!' Drew mentally told himself, gathering up his courage to go present his idea to Danny.

Drew left the room he had been staying in, and walked to Danny's room, or rather the room Danny used to share with his wife.

Drew braced himself for rejection, clenching his fists. "Hey Danny?" He asked.

"Hmm? What is it?" Danny replied, turning away from his computer, where he had been watching one of Cody Ko's videos.

"Can I live with you?"

Danny's mind went blank. He really hadn't been expecting Drew to ask something like that, he thought it would've been an invitation to dinner or just a simple question.

'Is that really alright?' Danny mentally asked himself. With no doubt, he didn't mind Drew living with him, but what would others think? More importantly, why was Drew asking that, so soon after his wife had died...?

After a solid ten seconds of thinking, Danny responded with a simple "Yes", making Drew's expression brighten.

Drew smiled at Danny, leaving Danny's bedroom to go cancel his ticket home. There would be a lot of things he'd have to do in order to be with Danny--but frankly he was okay with that.

"I get to live with Danny," Drew cheerfully told himself, as he settled down in bed, excited for the next day to come.

Welp, I took a while to get this chapter out. Also, question: Drew in a skirt?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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