The Meet And Greet!

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Drew stepped into the booth labeled "Drew Gooden". He sat down in the plush seat and gave a sigh. There had been many fans interrupting him on his way to the Vine memorial event.

He tapped his fingers on the table, waiting for the guard to signal the next fan to meet him.

Soon enough, the guard gave the signal.

"Hey Drew, I'm a huge fan," a girl began, her brown eyes twinkling with delight. Drew gave a small "hey".

She handed him a Road Work Ahead, Yeah, I Sure Hope It Does sign. He signed it on the back in a dark red sharpie. The girl excitedly took it and made sure not to smudge the ink.

"Thank you so much," She cheerfully said, smiling wide.

"You're welcome, it's always a pleasure to meet a fan," Drew responded, trying his best to smile. He realized he probably looked like a wooden snake snorting cocaine on a burnt hot pocket. Yeah, that's what he probably looked like...

The next person came in, this one a short, plump male. He had tangled brown hair and grey eyes. "Hello," Drew said, waving his hand.

The male nodded, "my name is Alex, I'm really happy to be able to meet you,".

Drew smiled again, trying not to look weird.

The male blushes ever so slightly and walked off. Drew inwardly sighed, bored at the prospect of having to stay there for another two hours.

The next person came in, a male who looked kind of like Drew. His hair was a darker brown though, and his eyes were a different shade of baby blue.

"Hey Drew," he greeted.

The realization dawned on said male. It was Danny Gonzalez!

"Oh, hey, Danny," he said, waving at the fellow YouTuber.

Danny grabbed Drew's hand, and dragged him out of his booth. The guard tensed up and looked at Drew. Drew sighed, "it's fine".

Danny began dragging Drew to a more isolated location. It was near the Jake Paul meet and greet.

"Why did you drag us so far, Danny?" Drew groaned. "Because," Danny began, letting go of Drew's arm. "We agreed to make a video together, but never got to it."

"Why didn't you just text me?" Drew replied.

"Well, if you must know, I broke my phone for a video."

Drew looked at Danny, amazed at the stupid YouTuber. Who actually breaks their phone for some views? He rolled his eyes.

"And so I wanted to talk to you while we're in the same place," Danny finished, making semi-awkward eye contact with Drew.

"So should I just go to your place tomorrow then?" Drew asked, remembering he had nothing to do the next day.

"Sure, just text m-" he stopped for a second. "Just come over to my house whenever," he corrected himself.

Drew nodded.


"What's up Greg, I hope you're all having a great day, welcome back to my channel," Danny greeted his viewers, somewhat quickly. "Today we're gonna be looking at Behind the Lyrics, and their videos, with Drew Gooden," Danny continued quickly. "Hey," Drew said.

"So, the first video has Gabbie Hanna in it," Danny says to the audience and Drew.

"Isn't she that girl from the monster meme that died several weeks ago?"

"Anyways I'm on top of this, this is very current," Danny ignores Drew.

The two continue making their video.

It ends up being 11:03 minutes long, which lets them put in mid rolls... so they did.

Drew waved goodbye to Danny, feeling his face heat ever so slightly. As he stepped into the car he thought, 'Why am I blushing?'

Thanks for reading! Just to clarify, in case you didn't read the description: I don't actually ship these two. I saw their video looking at the house of cards and I thought it'd be funny to make my own fanfic as a joke. Please do take this seriously. Also, please comment (and maybe vote?) if you want me to make more of this.

Wiggle (Drew Gooden x Danny Gonzalez)Where stories live. Discover now