
As soon as my feet hit the warm mat, I felt power running through me, my whole body hummed at the threat. I could feel the air around me heat up. The soles of my feet welcomed the burn from the rubber training mat. Except, to work against it was the magic that Embry and Destiny had cloaked over me.

The different types of magic pushed against each other. I could feel a knot in my stomach getting tighter and tighter like a noose around my neck. The pressure was building, and I feel like a balloon about to explode.

I watch as she circled me, and finally decided to let her move first. I anticipated the way her body would move and dodged away from her swinging body.

And then I felt a crack in the side of the cheek.

And I popped.

The magic I was depressing won, at least for a minute. I grabbed her back, using her hair to swing her to the ground. I could hear her screaming when my hands came in contact with her skin. I knew the red marks I was leaving weren't created by any kind of human strength.

The red mark, a perfect imprint of my hand, on her chest, is what made me stop. This wasn't human and there would be no way to explain it to anyone and therefore there was no way of knowing what would happen then.

I thought of Destiny, I owed her this much. I pushed everything back down. I stopped fighting.

It was a minute before Sadie realized that I was no longer attacking. I feigned exhaustion. And when I finally felt her body hit against mine, I didn't fight back.

Her foot hit me hard; in the stomach, even after I was on the ground. Her fists pounded into my ribs, and with each blow, I had the same mantra chanting through my head.

Be human.

I could hear the popping of my bones.

Be human.

I could feel blood dripping down my face.

Be human.

I could hear Everleigh in the background, telling Sadie to stop.

And she did. I felt her breath on my skin as she knelt over me. Like a hunter over their kill.

I coughed, choking on my own blood. I could smell rust, and taste salt, as it seeped into my mouth. I couldn't even raise my arm to wipe it out of my eyes.

"Just remember what I can do, human."

Even after Sadie disappeared, I stayed there, unmoving. I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to burn that bitch. I couldn't comprehend my own feelings —yet I could feel my blood boil. I was not raised to back down.

I let my cheek rest against the dirty mat, I didn't care. My vision hazed but I could see feet in the difference. They were too heavy to belong to Everleigh, who I could now feel hovering over me.

I brought my eyes up and saw Paxton's back as he walked away from the scene. I couldn't stop the feeling of dread that filled me. Every step he took in the opposite direction made the pain become more apparent.

My body was wrecked. I became more aware of the stabbing sensation in my side. I knew I had broken something.

I started to shift my weight, in attempt to stand up. Yet, I was met with the warm hands of Everleigh shoving me back down. Her curls fell in my face as she leant over me, assessing my injuries.

"Okay, we are going to move really slow. I don't want to risk a rib puncturing your lung," Her hand wrapped around under my arm and slowly guided me upwards, leaning most of my weight against her.

"I thought you had her for a minute there," she said in a small voice. I appreciated her attempt.

"You don't have to lie to me, I only got in a hit or two, but that isn't too bad for a human." I gave her a sly look and chuckled a little under my breath.

As we hobbled towards the packhouse I wondered how much Embry's magic would make me appear human. Would these wounds heal in a day or in a month?

The dissipating pain in my side said that it would be the former. It made me worry that I would have to make up an excuse for my quick recovery to Paxton.

I instantly felt silly. He wouldn't care, he didn't even bother to stay when he saw me bleeding on the ground.

When Everleigh and I made it inside, I became faced with the reality of the stairs. I gazed up at the intimidating steps and began to walk forward, preparing for the pain.

I lift my foot off the ground, conscious of each step. But my foot never hits the ground. Instead, I am swept up finding myself in Teague's arms.

"We couldn't have you falling could we?"

There was a subtle bite behind his joking tone that made me question his motives but I was thankful for any help at this point.

If he helped me, it had to be a good sign... right?


I lay in bed, on top of the covers, my stomach against the cool comforter. I drift in and out of consciousness, pieces of dreams floating in and out of my head.

Until I am brought back to reality by the sound of my curtains being pulled forward, blocking the last few rays of the sun from shining inside.

"Stop!" I cry out before I even know who my words are directed at.

I sit up and look at my surroundings. I was fully expecting to find an intruder.

Instead, I find Paxton. He stood, frozen, clearly shocked by my sudden outburst. His hand drops from the curtain but it stays close.

I jump out of bed, and draw them back open, basking in the sunset. I become hyper-aware of how close I am to him. I can feel his breath and I realize he hasn't said anything yet.

"Sorry, I like them open all the time." I shift my feet back and forth, unsure. I know that many Alpha's wouldn't tolerate such outbursts.

"Even when the sun rises at 6 am and wakes you up?" He responds calmly, and he almost sounds genuinely curious. I am taken aback and for a fleeting second, and even consider telling him the truth.

But of course, he can't know the real answer. He may never be able to know.

My excuse seems lame.

"No, I can sleep through anything," I find myself wandering back to sit on the edge of the bed. Paxton stayed by the window, his gaze seemed to be avoiding me and I became conscious of my... lack of clothing.

I feel my breath shake, a lump forming in my throat from my sudden inability to swallow.

"You seem to be feeling better."

I am taken aback once again by his sudden shift. It wasn't posed as a question but rather a statement.

"Oh, ya, I guess she didn't do as much damage as I thought." I hang my head.

I suddenly become aware of dull pain in my side, but it wasn't as bad as it was hours ago. My healing process was definitely slowed by the dark magic that made me appear human, but I was still healing at an alarming rate.

I would have to be careful.

Paxton came over to the bed but didn't sit. He stood over me and he almost seemed to be fighting with something as he spoke through clenched teeth.

"I'm glad you're okay," he grits out the words. He resembled a little kid, who's mom forced him to apologize.

I didn't get a chance to respond before my bedroom door was closing tightly, and I was as alone once more.

And I've never felt lonelier.


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