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After their practice schedule, the manager sent them back home

"I am gonna leave you here. Make sure you didnt do anything stupid"

The girls just nod and went back to each others room.

*Nako's room

'Should I tell everyone?' She is sitting on her bed thinking about the bottle that the woman gave her.

In the same time, Chayeon entering the room. She saw Nako looking troubled while staring at a bottle

"Nako ya... whats wrong?"
"Ummm... Its nothing I was just thinking about something"
"What is it?"
"Never mind"
"Ouh... but can I ask you about this bottle? It looks wierd"
"There is a woman gave it to me when Hitomi and I wanted to buy mineral water. Actually, I wanna tell you something"

Chaeyeon look confused for a moment but still listening

"Should I drink it? I felt bad if I throw it"
"Hmmm... what is this drink use for?"
"She said it was a beauty drink. I wasnt sure because there is no label around it"
"I will open it okey?"
Nako just nod

Chaeyeon open the bottle, a sweet scent of strawberry comes from the bottle. Chaeyeon was amazed by the strong smell from the drink. It smells delicious

"I think this drink will be fine"
"You wanna try to unnie?"
"Maybe a little"
"Come on, I will drink half and the rest are for you"

Both of them drank the liquid and go straight to bed. But, Chaeyeon felt some cold tense behind her back when she was about to go to sleep. There was a woman's voice gently whispering

'Thank you for being my test subject'

Then she fall asleep


Next morning, all of the second room members are awake except Chaeyeon and Nako

"Hmmm.... they arent awake yet?"
Hitomi ask
"Hang on, i will check on them" Sakura went into the room.
She saw Nako and Chaeyeon are still lying on their bed. She gently touch Nako's arm and patting it while calling her name.

"Nako ya, wake up. Its time to go"

She still not responding, Sakura turn Nako's body so she could see her face but she immediately back off when she saw it.

"Hitomi! Call Eunbi unnie! QUICK!!"

When they heard the elder's scream, they looked at the room and suprised by Nako's seizure state. Hitomi quickly called the leader's room.

(A/N: instant flashback so you could understan)
When Nako and Chaeyeo looking for the card, Nako lift the doll and find her card.

Unfortunately, the doll would curse anyone who touch it and kill its owner.

When they about to left the room, Chaeyeon saw the position of the doll. Nako didnt put it back on its place so Chaeyeon fix the position

At that moment, the curse was put on her too

So they share the same curse but why the effect are different? It will continue on the next chapter😆

Sorry if its confusing

Both of them were rush to the hospital

For about 30 minutes, the doctor came out.

"They will be fine. The were diagnosed with food poisoning. Did they eat something unusual last night?"

"Something unusual? How could it possible?" The manager turn to Eunbi

"Sakura? What did they eat?"

"We just having noodles last night but all of us eat it"

The leader and the manager both frowned by the statement

"Well, you can discuss the situation but I have to excuse myself" they thank the doctor and moved to the waiting area

"But how? Have any of you notice they were taking something or do something?"

They were in silence until Hitomi raised her hand

"I think I knew something. Yesterday, Nako and I met a lady. She gave us some mineral water. But I saw she gave something to Nako."

The manager thinking for a moment.

"That could possibly the reason in this case"

"Do you remember who is she?" Eunbi ask

"I remember her name. It was Mira. She work inside the entertainment. But I am not sure what department"

"Okey, I will call the office to catch the suspect. You guys should go home"

All of the girls obeyed it

What is going on?
'Do you like my gift?'


Check this out🐱🐱🐱🐱👍☝️☝️👍❤

The Gift- IZ*ONE HORROR FANFICTION Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum